Past Pages for December 15 to 17, 2021

Looking west from William Street at the Dutch Mill restaurant, corner of William and Carson streets in the 1950s or '60s.

Looking west from William Street at the Dutch Mill restaurant, corner of William and Carson streets in the 1950s or '60s.

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145 years ago

Dublin Pete is in the Storey county jail for lack of bond-bail. He is the distinguished hero of the late prize fight. The way of the mauler is hard.

140 years ago

We yesterday received a call from Mr. West, of the firm of Thompson & West, of Oakland, Cal., the publishers of the “History of Nevada,” who placed upon our table a copy of the work. It is replete with history of each of the of our State, contributed by parties familiar with the various subjects.

120 years ago

Capt. James A. Halton, a brother in law of Alfred Chartz, went through Reno yesterday morning en route from Fort McPherson, Georgia to the Philippine Islands, in charge of one of the companies composing the 27th regiment of infantry.

80 years ago

Rudolph R. Mallow and C.B. Melter have received telegrams from the federal communications service, informing them that they are among the selected amateur radio operators who are now permitted to go on the air for defense purposes only, under regulations fixed by the government.

60 years ago

(Photo Caption) Larry Dolan — center, is congratulated by district Lion governor George Hamilton of Reno, on his receipt of the first known “Wise Owl Club of America” charter before Lions Monday. Dolan became the first member when he saved his left eye while wearing safety glasses. The nail he was pulling on a highway safety marker flipped against the lenses — point first, but merely chipped the plastic material.

20 years ago

Lawmakers formed a special panel Friday to investigate deadly industrial explosions, saying workplace safety must be improved in Nevada.


145 years ago

A ball will be held at Genoa on Christmas night for the benefit of the public school. The object is most worthy one and we hope it may receive the handsome and liberal encouragement it deserves.

140 years ago

Clem Berry has a dog with a glass eye, for which the frail former mistress paid a San Francisco occultist $50.

120 years ago

The entire output of the Mason valley creamery has been contracted for by Tonopah merchants. The daily amounts to about 40 pounds.

80 years ago

Chairman Jack Ross of the Ormsby county council of defense today requested all members of the council to meet him at the civic auditorium at 7:50 o’clock this evening, a few minutes in advance of the citizen’s meeting. Gov. E.P. Carville is on the program for a short talk.

60 years ago

Judge Pete Supera, Justice of the Peace, gave Arthur D. Penny, San Francisco, an option of 10 days in the county jail or a one-way ticket out of Carson. Penny, who pleaded guilty to charges of drunkenness and disorderly conduct, elected to leave town. He was escorted to the bus depot by local law enforcement authorities.

20 years ago

Nevada lawmakers quizzed utility regulators about their ability — and unwillingness — to review record rate hike requests that are expected to top $1 billion.


145 years ago

The German Band’s open air concert on Capitol Square, yesterday afternoon, was a very pleasant event. The music was listened to by a very numerous auditory, who found convenient listening places on the grounds, on top of the porch and at the windows of the Mineralogist and Surveyor General’s office. The performers were ranged in a circle with the leader in the center.

140 years ago

On Tuesday a half drunken fellow who harbored no friendly sentiment toward the Justice of the Peace at Empire met the magistrate in front of Tom Beer’s butcher shop and applied to him epithets more forcible than complimentary. The Judge said: “I fine you for contempt of court.” The drunken fellow answered: “I didn’t know your damned court was open.” “I want you to understand, sir,” observed the Justice, “that this Court is always an object for contempt.”

120 years ago

George Bath and family, who lives on the prison road are worried over the disappearance of their son Henry. About 10 days ago he started on a trip north of Reno with a band of cattle. Since that time nothing has been heard of him. The family fears the man was caught in a storm.

80 years ago

City Engineer Mark Amodei reports that “No Fire” signs have been erected at the city dump. The “blackout” order will be effective until further notice.

60 years ago

(Photo caption) A Christmas scene of austere serenity is depicted in front of the state Capitol. The gigantic fire tree is decorated with more than 520 feet of gaily colored lights which image their color in the white blanket of snow below. (Appeal Photo by Bill Dolan)

20 years ago

A National Academy of Sciences panel will study whether a nuclear waste dump could be built in stages to incorporated technical advances near Las Vegas.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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