145 years ago
The Colored Masons. The brothers of this order met at the Turn Verien Hall last evening for the purpose of installing the officers of St. John’s Lodge No. 13, under the direction of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of California.
140 years ago
There will be turkey shooting at Swift’s Springs next Saturday. This will be the last of the season. Lots of turkeys.
120 years ago
A Good Sound. For the past few days blasting back of this city has attracted the attention of the people. The blasting is at the mining property lately located by Mike Farrel, where he has two men employed. A tunnel is being driven in to the hill in hope of encountering a big ore body.
80 years ago
The Pathfinder Flying Service got the firm’s corps of instructors, mechanics and scores of flying students moved to Carson just in time to be grounded by the heaviest and longest snowstorm in several years.
60 years ago
Stewart Boarding School, three miles south of Carson City, operated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, provides educational opportunities for Indian children from twenty-three different tribes. Among these are Paiutes, Utes, Apaches, Goshutes, Shoshones, Navajos, Washoes, Pimas, Papagos and others.
20 years ago
Three of Nevada’s largest public institutions of higher learning are selling names of students to credit card companies.
145 years ago
Flags on the Capitol, Mint and other public buildings also on many private staffs, were at half mast yesterday in respect to the late Senator Nye.
140 years ago
All mills on the Carson River that have ore to crush are now running right along, there being a fair stage of water in the river.
120 years ago
Another Bonanza. Yesterday Prof. Roberts arrived at the regular meeting of the amateur miner’s association with a new sample of ore. It was handed around and after opinions were passed, the word was given out that the sample was grey copper ore, which carries a large percentage of the red metal.
80 years ago
State Director Hugh Shamberger, of civilian defense, following the conference in Governor Carville’s office, began contacting prospective members of the state rationing board. Mr. Shamberger will also urge immediate appointment of county and local tire rationing boards.
60 years ago
Nevada’s 200th traffic fatality of the year went on the books this morning in Washoe County east of Reno. The 199th was recorded last night near the Nuclear Test Site in Southern Nevada.
20 years ago
Virginia City, the old lady, will be getting a facelift with more gas lights, an extended boardwalk, new stairs and a kiosk to be completed by mid may.
145 years ago
Fire at Lake Bigler. At an early hour yesterday morning, as we learn from Mr. Hawthorne, a fire broke out in the store of the Davis Brothers, at the Glenbrook landing, completely destroying the same with its contents. The occupants barely escaped with their lives. We understand the Davis Brothers were insured for $12,000.
140 years ago
An Indian prisoner engaged in sawing wood in the rear of the county jail made his escape yesterday. That Indian has less sense than the rest of his tribe, as there are very few Indians who will not physically exert themselves a little for the good board the Ormsby County prisoners get.
120 years ago
The “Devil’s Auction” tonight at the opera house. It’s a great play.
80 years ago
Jack Savage attracted much attention when he drove along Carson Street this forenoon with horse and cutter — a rig that was all the style several decades ago. One of the Rabe boys drove in from the ranch with a team of horses and a sled.
60 years ago
Hank Monk, Carson City’s veteran stagecoach driver, stopped by this morning loaded with all the complex instruments used in a precision sports car rally. Asked what he intended to do with it all, he replied he might not make every Christmas party, but had the New Year’s parties planned to the last mile.
20 years ago
After being inundated by supporters, Stagecoach General Improvement District officials plan on putting “God Bless America” back on their billing statements.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.
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