Faith & Insight

Nick Emery: Mercy

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 I heard it said that God’s mercy is “new every morning because each day only has enough mercy in it for that day.”
That would mean that the mercy we experience today is for today’s challenges. Tomorrow’s mercies are for tomorrow’s challenges. And yet, do we reflect this reality? Do we understand the source of mercy and God’s promise for mercy? Lamentations 3:22-23 says: “The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.”
Perhaps you need to change they way you are viewing your present challenge. If you know Jesus Christ as your personal savior and Lord, then you can rest in the promise that he is with you, that he is your mighty savior and that he, in his perfect love, will provide his peace to you in the midst of what you are facing. God is faithful.
When we understand God’s mercy for us, then we know how we must respond in each moment and throughout each day. Jesus taught that, “God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” (Matthew 5:7, NLT)
We must be grateful for the grace and mercy of God, for he does not give up on those whom he loves. And, he loves you! This truth brings assurance in the midst of a challenge and it should motivate us to love and obey the Lord and in doing so, we are equipped to show mercy in return to those we encounter.
Our world needs the lasting hope that can only be found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, as their Lord and savior. Our current challenges will not go away – they may lessen, but our current realities will continue to challenge our faith and our faithful obedience to God and his holy word. This is a process that will bring about spiritual growth and it can propel us to obey what Jesus taught: BE MERCIFUL.
When you awake tomorrow, there will be a decision that you must make. Will you embrace God’s mercy and purpose to make it a great day, to glorify him in the midst of a challenge and to point people to the hope you have in Christ? Or will past failures, sin and struggles, be what defines you and what you filter that day through?
God’s merciful compassion is infinite and inexhaustible. God demonstrated his mercifulness by sending Jesus to take the judgment that was rightfully ours. God’s mercy is available to us today. The question is: what will you do with it?
Mercy does not deny that wrong has been done or make light of sin. Instead, mercy is the extension of forgiveness and patience despite the fact that the person deserves only justice. Do not confuse what mercy is and never ignore justice, but also be quick to show others mercy.
Jesus said: “God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” So how will you respond?
Nick Emery is pastor at Hope Crossing Community Church.


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