Lyon County commissioners consider Dayton swimming pool

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The Lyon County Board of Commissioners is considering a resolution placing an advisory question on the 2022 ballot asking voters if they want a special district created by the board for a swimming pool in Dayton.
Although the commissioners acknowledged the potential opportunities and benefits to the Dayton community for adding a pool and community center at its Oct. 21 meeting in Fernley, ultimately they delayed action on the item. Most of the board members said they preferred first to hear from the local advisory boards, including Dayton and Mound House, on what the district should look like, to give residents an opportunity to be educated about what a potential tax rate could mean and what the construction process might entail.
“I just want to make sure … that people are well aware that if they say, ‘I’ll give you the 20 cents,’ that they’re not getting a pool the next day or next year,” Chairwoman Vida Keller said. “It’s still going to be a process.”
County Comptroller Josh Foli said currently it would be difficult to estimate what costs for the pool would be and there is no property designated for it.
“It can be a number of years before we start construction,” Foli said.
Commissioner Ken Gray, who represents Dayton, brought the item forward and said in a follow-up with the Appeal that local residents for years have been asking for a pool that would provide activities for children.
“It seemed like the right time to try to get that on the ballot for residents to vote on it,” Gray said. “It’s going to take a tax increase and take a special district and I believe residents should have a say if the tax rate’s going to up. Personally I’m in favor for a vote, but I will not force on that decision. I’ve got to go by a community acclamation.”
Gray said in the end, he believed it would pass, but for now, it’s important to educate the public on the process and its potential.
“We’re not going to ask for action, it’s not appropriate to ask for action on a ballot question,” he said. “We didn’t do that for the brothel question (in 2018).”
The item has been scheduled for the Dayton Regional Citizens Advisory Board’s agenda at 7 p.m. Nov. 3. Community members can follow on Zoom at


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