Senator Square: Carson High School grads who became famous

CHS Leadership makes their own party hats to celebrate Carson High's 150th birthday.

CHS Leadership makes their own party hats to celebrate Carson High's 150th birthday.

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The celebration of CHS 150th birthday continues with Leadership students making party hats and Digital Media and Yearbook classes assembling an entire website devoted to the history of Carson High School. The list of famous Carson High grads is long, and there are definitely some who are missing from the following list, but let it be known this high school has fostered, and will continue to foster, some of the greatest human beings ever. Here are a few of the most famous: Paul Laxalt is a former governor of Nevada; Mark Amodei is a current member U.S. House of Representatives; Bob Ayrault is a former major league baseball pitcher; Mackena Bell is a former NASCAR driver; Dusty Bergman is a MLB pitcher currently with the Sioux City Explorers; Chris Cox is a Grammy nominated music producer, remixer, and DJ; John Gamble is a former MLB player for the Detroit Tigers; Dean Heller is a former U.S. Senator from Nevada; Charlie Kerfeld is a former MLB pitcher; Kirk Lippold was former Commander of the USS Cole during a terrorist attack; David Lundquist is a former MLB player for the Chicago White Sox and San Diego Padres, Donovan Osborne is a former MLB pitcher; Darrell Rasner is a former MLB pitcher for the Washington Nationals, the New York Yankees, and is currently a scout for the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles; Matt Williams is a former MLB third baseman, coach, and former manager of the Washington Nationals. CHS won Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association State Championships in Baseball, 1972, 1979, 1992, Boys Cross Country, 1989, 1990, 1991, 2009, Girls Cross Country, 1983, 1986, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 2001, 2007, 2009, Girls Basketball, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1990, the 1975 Boys Basketball team, and the 1985 and1994 Softball teams were nationally ranked by USA Today.

CHS Varsity Football team with Coach Roman after winning against Douglas Oct 16.


It has been an amazing 150 years since CHS first opened its doors. The CHS Digital Media and Carneta yearbook staff are looking to put together a story about the growth and changes CHS has gone through to celebrate the last 150 years and are looking to celebrate the pride and community which has been built up here over the years from the time the high school went up in a blaze and came together as a community to prove CHS is Carson Strong. CHS needs some support. The staff is searching for pictures of the school from the CHS 1956 yearbook because the CHS Library is sadly missing the 1956 yearbook, and there are many good pictures of the construction and changes CHS has gone through the staff wants to use. If you would be willing to lend or give your yearbook to help find some more pictures and complete the CHS yearbook collection, it would be greatly appreciated. Call 775-220-0787, or email ~ Contributed by Megan McGibbon.

CHS Varsity Football team with Coach Roman after winning against Douglas last Friday.


Chili Bingo Night was Oct. 15 in the Big Gym. There was chili for all, and, according to CHS Band Director Nick Jacques, “We just made $8,166 for the band program from Chili Bingo Night, so thank you to everyone who helped make this a huge post-COVID success.” This was the CHS Band's largest fundraiser of the year. Prizes were donated by generous area businesses, so the Band earned a 100% profit on every ticket sold. Half of each ticket sold by a student will go towards their individual band fees, and the other half will go towards new instrument storage, instrument repairs, and equipment. With many upgrades necessary to bring the Band program to a level which allows them to compete with top schools in the area, every little bit helps. The presale was just one small part of the event. There were bingo games for even more prizes at the event itself, along with a silent auction with still more prizes, all of which were donated by area businesses. Band members were given prizes for the top sellers of their raffle tickets, and the grand prize was a free pizza for a year from Pizza Factory, a $30 gift certificate to area business of choice, or a Starbucks gift basket. The second place top selling student received a choice of two of the above prizes not chosen by top seller, and the third place top selling student received the remaining above prize not chosen by top two sellers. Students who sold 100 tickets received a certificate for a free sub from Firehouse Subs, students who sold at least 20 tickets received a ticket towards the raffle item of their choice, and for each class with 100% student participation, the class will receive a party at the end of the semester. All students who sold tickets, 50% of each ticket went into their individual band account with no limit.

CHS Athletic Department's Athletes of the Week


The 2021-2022 Carson City School District Board of Trustees sponsored American Citizen Essay Contest topic is, “Twenty Years ago on Sept.11, 2001, many people became heroes in the face of tragedy. As we honor the 20th anniversary of the tragic events of 9/11, pick someone in your life whom you feel is a hero and describe why.” The contest is open to all students in Carson City, including private, charter and home-schooled. The first page of the essay must include the student’s first and last name, age, grade, telephone number, teacher’s name, and school. The winners for each level, elementary school, middle school and high school will receive cash prizes: first place will receive $80, second place, $30, and third place $15. Please note, essays are due to 618 West Musser no later than 5 p.m. Nov. 1. Winners will be announced at the Nov. 23 school board meeting.

CHS Counselors will offer an in person FAFSA night where representatives from UNR and WNC will be on hand to give individualized support in completing the FAFSA on Nov. 9.

This year, both CHS and DHS decided to compete in a staff volleyball game to raise money to support a charity. Carson High Staff will join forces with Carson City Firefighters and battle (crush) Douglas staff and their Firefighters. The game will be held at Douglas on Nov. 17, at 7 p.m. This is a charity event, and all the proceeds will be donated to an organization that supports families who have been impacted by the recent wildfires.

CHS Chili Bingo Night earns over $8,000 to support students and purchase new instruments.


The CHS Band as busy as any sports team in high school. Their schedule requires strong devotion to their cause. Nevada Day Battle of the Bands is Oct. 29, 8 a.m. Call Time on the field for rehearsal is 9, bus and trailer loading are at 9:30, departing CHS is at 10:30, and arrival at Spanish Springs High School to change into uniforms is 11:30. Warm Up is at 12:30, and their performance time is 12:45. Then, they will change out of uniforms, grab snack, go to stands to watch other bands at 3:35 with awards presented at 5:00. They will return to CHS and unload at 5:30. Parents are welcome to watch the performance at Spanish Springs, and tickets are $10. To be noted too is the CHS Band will participate in the Nevada Day Parade, and they are entry #29. For more information, email Nick Jacques at

CHS Chili Bingo Night fundraiser was Oct. 15 and hosted by Band Director Nick Jacques


The school year is going well, and the Carson High Holiday Craft Fair is a go for Nov. 19 and 20. There are a limited number of spaces available for interested vendors. To sell, or not to sell…that is the question. There are 8x12 and 5x8 spaces available in Senator Square, and the craft fair needs adult volunteers to assist with admissions, raffle, vendor check-in, volunteer check-in, and parking assistance. The shifts are two hours long, and the hours are donated as a cash stipend to CHS students’ clubs, sports, or class. All proceeds from this event go directly to CHS students, and the craft fair also awards CHS Senior Scholarships, which go to the college of the senior’s choice. Please contact Cathy Barbie at 882-8109 for more information. Scholarship Opportunity for All Grade Levels Volunteers are needed for the CHS Holiday Craft Fair. Students who volunteer and their parent also volunteers are eligible to earn the Holiday Craft Fair Scholarship their senior year. Pairs who volunteer all four years are guaranteed to earn the scholarship, as long as they apply, and the amount of money they earn multiplies with each year they volunteer. Signing up is easy. Parent volunteers not only help Safe Grad earn money, but it helps with student scholarships, and the hours they help will also go towards the club or sport of their choice. Students will be needed right after school in the North lobby to help vendors unload from 2 to 4 p.m. and then on Saturday from 4:00 to 6:00 helping them load back up. They will sign up in the booklets at the front table in the North lobby, and they can add up to three clubs or sports. This helps their club or sport earn money, and they will be recorded as a helper and be able to apply for senior scholarships. Parents, here is how it works in 3 easy steps: 1) Click this link to see the SignUp on, 2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like, and 3) Sign up. It is easy. There is no need to register an account or keep a password on, and does not share email addresses with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact 434-760-0635 or they can email

CHS Leadership makes their own party hats to celebrate Carson High's 150th birthday


CHS Athletic Department's Athletes of the Week, those who played in the State Golf Tournament, are Sarah Wiggins, Rhianna Redwine, Madeline Roberts, Madeline Silsby, Kylee Wentz, and Jamie McGee for Varsity Girls Golf. These athletes, and all students who participate in school functions through leadership, clubs, and sports, deserve a high level of recognition and congratulations.

CHS Student of the Week is Izabell McCullen, a freshman


The CHS Student of the Week is Izabell McCullen, a freshman. According to her CHS teacher, Orchestra Director Dr. Brian Fox, “I nominate Izabell for her perpetual musical curiosity and her thoughtfulness and kindness to her classmates.” Fox went on to say, “Working with Izabell is a joy because she is always having fun, and her love of music is noteworthy.” Employees within Carson City School District nominate the CHS Student of the Week, and it is often the students’ teachers who do the nominating, though anyone in the district may do so by sending an email to Congratulations to Izabell McCullen on being nominated CHS Student of the Week.

This week’s Senior in the Spotlight is Nasser Abdelhady. Nasser is an exceptional CHS Senator for many reasons. As a CHS JumpStart Senior, Nasser balances a full load of college classes while also maintaining a job and helping to mentor his younger family members. As part of a tight-knit and highly driven family, Nasser focuses on his future not just for himself, but also for all of those he loves. Nasser currently has a 4.5 GPA, and is thriving in his college courses. Beyond academics, he works a part time job and volunteers as much as he can. His goal is to attend UNR in the fall and eventually to pursue Dentistry as a profession. He is an excellent self-advocate who is currently highly focused on applying to scholarships and finding experiences which will support his passion for medicine. Please join CHS in congratulating this excellent young man on his accomplishments. ~ Contributed by CHS Counselor Bridget Gordon.

Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.

CHS Senior in the Spotlight is Nasser Abdel



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