Linda Marrone: Rice custard is comfort food at its best (recipe)

Linda Marrone’s rice custard recipe is comfort food at its best, but also a great way to use up any leftover rice you might have.

Linda Marrone’s rice custard recipe is comfort food at its best, but also a great way to use up any leftover rice you might have.

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Hard to believe it’s mid-February already and the weather has been so nice that spring will be here before we know it. Looking forward to some longer days, daffodils, tulips and the planting of my sweet peas March 17.
I love flowers and tend to go overboard in the buying. I say to Ralph, “look what we’re going to plant,” when he knows I mean you, singular. I am going to try to take it easy on him this year because we are running out of room.
It was slow going in the month of January for me, I had my second knee replacement surgery. My last one was six years ago and it seems like this one was harder probably because I’m older.
Thank goodness I have a great physical therapist, Loren Woolbridge, who helped me get stronger before my surgery and has been working with me after as well. He owns the Health Lab on Curry Street and I worked with Landon, my personal trainer, for three months before surgery. I can’t say enough about all the squats I did there and how much they helped me, just didn’t realize it at the time when I was sometimes struggling to do them and maybe complaining just a little.
As my Aunt Ruth always said, “Getting old is not for sissies.” I want to be an active and strong great grandmother so I can keep up with my five great-grandkids and start traveling again.
I want to thank everyone who brought over food, ran errands, drove me around and sent flowers. I have a wonderful husband and great friends and consider myself lucky in that category.
This recipe I’m going to share with you is comfort food at its best, also a great way to use up any leftover rice you might have.
Rice Custard
5 cups whole milk, scalded
6 Farm Fresh Eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1-2 cups cooked white rice (depending, if you like more or less rice)
dash of nutmeg sprinkled on top of the custard before baking
Preheat oven to 350 degrees, put your rice in the bottom of an oven proof casserole dish. Beat your eggs, add sugar, vanilla and pour in the hot milk a little at a time. Mix well and pour egg mixture through a strainer into your baking dish. Bake in a hot water bath. Put your baking dish in a 9-inch by 13-inch pan that you have poured hot water halfway up the side of your casserole dish. This is best done with the pan already on your oven rack. Bake 45-50 minutes or until a knife inserted into your custard comes out clean and the custard is set. This is comfort food at its best.


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