Tara Riddle: Be a happy camper with sweet potato pie

Tara Riddle’s sweet potato pie.

Tara Riddle’s sweet potato pie.

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I love sweet potato pie! I don’t like to add any cinnamon or nutmeg to the mix. I just like good old-fashioned butter and brown sugar in my sweet potato pie. Top it with whipped cream or marshmallow fluff, and you will be a happy camper. This is the perfect winter dessert, and great after a long day of skiing.
5-7 small sweet potatoes
½ cup softened butter
¾ cups brown sugar
2 tsps of vanilla
2 large eggs (beaten)
¼ cup whole milk
¼ cup condensed milk
1 9” pie crust
3/4 cup flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 stick butter flavored Crisco
1/3 cup ice cold water
Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees and bake the sweet potatoes for 45-60 minutes.
Set them aside and let them cool. In a mixing bowl, mix together with a hand mixer, the brown sugar, butter, milk, eggs, and condensed milk.
After the potatoes have cooled, peel the skin off and mash in a separate bowl with a potato masher. Mash them really well, and get all of the large chunks out. Then add mashed sweet potatoes to your milk and sugar mixture. Mix together well.
You can buy a crust, but if you want to make one, it is very simple and all about consistency.
First add flour and salt to a bowl and sift together. Then add ½ stick of Crisco. Use a fork, or potato masher and mix together until you have little pea sized pieces of Crisco. The great thing about pie crust is the ability to fix it! So if your mixture seems to dry, and you are not getting enough pea sizes, then add more Crisco. If you feel you have too much Crisco, and are worried about a greasy crust, then add more flour. Finally, you want to slowly add in the ice water. It may be more or less than ⅓ of a cup. Start with a little, and mix with a wooden spoon. It will be very sticky and that is OK. If it is not sticky then add more ice water. Add water until flour is completely mixed and sticky. Then pour a little flour on a flat surface where you will be rolling out your dough. Use your hands and get messy. Put your sticky dough on the surface and need a small round disk. Gently roll your dough out in all directions until it’s big enough to put into your pie dish. Fold the dough around the edges to fit the surface and pinch your fingers around the outside to make it look pretty.
Pour mixture in pie crust. Reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake for 50-60 minutes. Pull your pie out when the middle is still jiggly. Stick a knife into the center, and when it comes out clean your pie is done. It will continue cooking outside the oven, so a jiggly middle is considered done.
Top with whipped cream and enjoy!


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