Douglas County woman is 1st omicron case in Quad Counties

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A female Douglas County resident in her 20s is the first reported case of the omicron variant in the Quad County region, Carson City Health and Human Services reported Monday.
The health agency that serves Douglas County will be conducting a vaccination clinic 4-5:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Douglas County Senior Center in Gardnerville.
The female is not fully vaccinated and has no recent travel history. She experienced mild symptoms and in accordance with the new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance, has been released from home isolation.
The Quad-County Region consists of Carson City, Douglas, Lyon and Storey counties.
Omicron is a new variant of the virus that causes COVID-19, CCHHS said in the news release Monday afternoon. Viruses constantly change through mutations and cause new variants to emerge.
For example, the flu virus changes often, which is why doctors recommend a new flu vaccine each year. New variants of the virus are expected to occur. Taking steps to reduce the spread of infection, including getting a COVID-19 vaccine, are the best way to slow the emergence of new variants.
The CDC is continuing to learn about the omicron variant. It is likely the variant will spread more easily than the original virus that causes COVID-19. The most commonly reported symptoms linked to omicron so far are cough, fatigue, and congestion or runny nose. Symptoms will not be the same for everyone. If someone is experiencing symptoms of COVD-19 they should isolate at home, get tested for COVID-19, and remain at home while waiting for results.
CCHHS urges everyone to continue following prevention methods such as washing your hands frequently with soap and water, staying home while you are sick, wearing a mask in public indoor settings regardless of vaccination status, getting tested if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have been a close contact to someone who tested positive, and getting vaccinated.
Vaccines remain the best way to protect people from COVID-19, slow transmission, and reduce the likelihood of new variants emerging. COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalizations, and death. Scientists are currently investigating Omicron, including how protected fully vaccinated people are against infection, hospitalization, and death. The COVID-19 vaccine is authorized for everyone 5 years and older. Those who are 16 years and older are encouraged to get a COVID-19 booster shot to strengthen their protection.
To find upcoming COVID-19 vaccine events visit For more information on the Omicron Variant visit


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