(Editor’s Note: Fox is Orchestra Director at Carson High School)The Northern Zone Nevada Music Educators Association Honor Orchestra, Grades 6-9, gathered at the Carson City Community Center for two days of intense rehearsals with guest conductor Jose Flores followed by a performance on Saturday morning. Jose Flores has been teaching in the Washoe County School District for over 14 years, and in 2002, he started the only public school mariachi program in Northern Nevada. Carson City School District students Troy Bruhn, Mason Cherpeski, Jordyn Deusenberry, Victoria King, Izabell McCullen, Marisa Mendoza-Romero, and Pablo Salgado Gutierrez participated with other students from Fernley. The group rehearsed five pieces of music, including a traditional French Dance, a re-working of Ludwig van Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" using tension chords, and the Italian post-Romanticism of Enrico Toselli. Students were inspired by Mr. Flores' humor and kindness. The students, in turn, inspired Mr. Flores with their enthusiasm and stamina. Mr. Flores estimates he has taught about 6,000 students in his career to date. Drawing from deep experience, he still brings fresh ideas and energy to the podium. Flores has been a guest conductor of various honor bands and serves as an adjudicator in solo and ensemble festivals throughout Northern Nevada; he also teaches private saxophone lessons to students in the area. School Directors Brian Fox of the Carson City School District Orchestras and Lisa Causey of Silverland Middle School in Fernley were impressed by Mr. Flores' teaching, and they now return to the classroom with renewed strategies for curriculum and practice. The students enjoyed a movie at Galaxy Theaters Fandango Jan. 7 and returned to the stage the next morning to culminate their experience with a memorable performance.
January 11 offered a stirring, inviting, and inspiring event as CHS teachers and staff members Jessica Calderon, Daylan Rhea, and Justin Barlow joined Band Director Mr. Jacques and the CHS Pep Band at the evening’s basketball games, playing their own instruments along with the band students. Though not all CHS teams won, their inspiring music motivated the Varsity boys to win against McQueen High School.
The Carson High Cheerleaders are hosting a Jr. Cheer Camp Jan. 21 from 3:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the high school for girls and boys in grades Kindergarten through 8th, which includes learning to dance and cheer, as well as leadership skills. Registration fees include cheer, dance, and stunt instruction along with a cheer bow to wear at Mr. Carson High. Registration forms are available at sstory@carson.k12.nv.us and can be mailed to CHS, 1111 North Saliman Road, Carson City, NV 89702 or dropped off at CHS, or register the day of the camp at CHS. The camp cost is $35, but there is no cost for children with special needs. All proceeds directly benefit the Cheer Program. Please call or email Coach Sheila Story at 283-1675 or sstory@carson.k12.nv.us for more information.
Senior ads are due Feb. 28 or earlier if space runs out. It is a first-come, first-served situation. Go to yeatbookforever.com, search for Carson High School, make sure it says Carson City, Nevada, click Shop, and then click on senior ads. From there, choose from the sizes and prices available, and design the ad online. Yearbooks are also purchased online. Prices go up March 1.
~ Contributed by Yearbook and Digital Media Adviser Cynthia Mills.
In the Dec. 4 issue of Senator Square, the artwork of Brandon Thompson and Elena Brugger—two CHS Graphic Design and SkillsUSA students in adviser Patricia Ababio’s classes—were shared, and then in the Jan. 8 issue, the works of CHS students Emma Lobsien with her Scholastic Art and Writing Competition entry “Bruno is Orange” and Yanizia Herrara with “Charro” were shown. In this issue, the works of Charlotte Albin with “Unnamed,” Aiden Grime with “Step into the Ring,” and Noah Sa with “Joyful Maiden” are being shared.
The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards are presented by the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to identify students with exceptional artistic and literary talent, and present their remarkable work to the world. The Awards give students opportunities for recognition, exhibition, publication, and scholarships. In 2021, students across America entered nearly 230,000 original works in 28 different categories of art and writing. The art awards exhibition is Feb. 5 through 25, 2022. Gold Key Art will be on view at Sheppard Contemporary gallery at the University of Nevada, Reno located in the Church Fine Arts building. American Visions Nominated Art will be on view at Nevada Museum of Art, and the Award Ceremony will take place Feb. 10, 2022 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Before you know it, graduation will be here. Time to get busy planning and discussing SafeGrad Night, fundraising needs, and the positions needing to be filled this year and next year. Please join meetings in person at the Carson City ReMax office, 2nd floor, or via zoom (please call for zoom link). Contact Safe Grad President Kyra Hinton at 434-760-0635 and go to the Carson High Safe Grad Booster sites chsgbvolunteer@gmail.com or carsonhighsafegrad.com to volunteer. This year’s Volunteer Coordinator is former CHS teacher Wendy Tims 775-741-3918.
Some have expressed interest in Senator Wear. Here is an opportunity to get some items that have not been offered before. Please visit the site below to see what is available. All items will be shipped directly to you. Go to fancloth.shop/GSCJP.
French teacher Madame Sharon Miller will be escorting a group of students to France and Switzerland in June 2023. It will be an 11-day trip, and it includes airfare, hotels, two meals per day, and a full-time tour guide to Paris, the Loire valley castles, Mont-St-Michel, and the Normandy D-day beaches, and Switzerland. For information and details, go to explorica.com/Miller-4574, or contact Madame Miller at smiller@carson.k12.nv.us.
Jan. 18 CHS junior varsity girls and boys basketball will take on Bishop Manogue Catholic High School at CHS at 3:30, freshman girls at 5 p.m., varsity girls at 5:15, freshman boys at 6:15, and boys varsity at 7:00. On Jan. 19, military recruiters will visit CHS in front of the library, athlete Covid testing will take place from 1 to 4:30 p.m. on the mezzanine, All State Choir auditions will take place from 2:30 to 6:40 p.m. in the choir and drama room, and a multiple school junior varsity and varsity wrestling tournament will take place at Galena high school at 4 p.m. Finally, on Jan. 20, freshman girls at 5 p.m. and freshman boys at 6:15 p.m. will take on Spanish Springs High School basketball at Spanish Springs.
The Mensa Foundation Scholarship Program awards more than $175,000 in assistance every year to college-bound students around the globe. Scholarships are awarded based solely on 550-word essays expressing applicants’ academic and professional goals and how their personal experiences will help them to accomplish those goals. There are two requirements for applicants: Applicants must be enrolled in a degree program in an accredited U.S. institution of higher learning during the academic year following the application date. Applicants must submit an application and essay explaining his or her career, academic and/or vocational goals.
Applicants have until Jan. 15 to write an essay of not more than 550 words explaining their career, academic and/or vocational goals and how they plan to achieve those goals. For more information, read our scholarship FAQ: mensafoundation.org/what-we-do/scholarships/us-scholarships/us-scholarship-faq/
Congratulations to CHS Sophomore, Tori Stauffer on being nominated Student of the Week. According to her CHS Full Body Conditioning, Cardio Dance, and Freshman Seminar and Health teacher Angela Maw, “Tori saw a student from another PE class who was clearly upset, and Tori asked if she could give her a hug; she also sat and chatted with the student, helping her feel accepted and that she mattered.” Maw added, “Tori’s kindness was so appreciated.” Employees within Carson City School District nominate the CHS Student of the Week, and it is often the teachers who do the nominating, though anyone in the district may do so by sending an email to pbrady@carson.k12.nv.us. Congratulations to Toriana Stauffer on being nominated CHS Student of the Week.
Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.
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