Carson City legal - 22490

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You are hereby notified that the Carson City Planning Commission will

conduct public hearings on Wednesday, March 30, 2022, regarding

the items noted below. The meeting will commence at 5:00 PM. The

meeting will be held in the Carson City Community Center, Robert “Bob”

Crowell Board Room, 851 East William Street, Carson City, Nevada.

LU-2022-0062 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action

regarding a request for a special use permit for the relocation and

upgrade of the existing automated weather observation system

equipment and tower at the Carson City Airport, on property zoned

Public Regional (“PR”), located at 3420 College Parkway, APN 005-011-

05. (Heather Ferris,

Summary: The Carson City Airport is proposing to relocate and

upgrade the existing automated weather observation system (“AWOS”)

equipment and tower from the western portion of the subject parcel

to the eastern portion of the parcel. Per Carson City Municipal Code

(“CCMC”) 18.04.185, a use may only be established in the PR zoning

district subject to a special use permit. The Planning Commission is

authorized to approve a special use permit.

LU-2022-0066 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action

regarding a request for a special use permit for the construction of a

metal carport at the Carson City Dispatch Center, on property zoned

Public Community (“PC”), located at 4649 Snyder Avenue, APN 009-

166-01. (Heather Ferris,

Summary: Carson City Public Works is proposing the construction of a

metal carport at the Carson City Dispatch Center to provide shelter for

the mobile command center currently parked at this location. Per Carson

City Municipal Code (“CCMC”) 18.04.180, a use may only be established

in the PC zoning district subject to a special use permit. The Planning

Commission is authorized to approve a special use permit.

LU-2022-0091 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action

regarding a request to amend a special use permit (SUP-19-125) to

modify the approved elevations for a 51- unit condominium development

on property zoned Multi-Family Apartment, located on the northeast

corner of East Roland Street and Oak Street, APNs 009-197-04, -05, &

-06. (Heather Ferris,

Summary: On August 28, 2019, the Planning Commission approved

SUP-19-125 to construct a 51-unit condominium development. The

Planning Commission also recommended approval of the condominium

map (TSM-19-126) which was later approved by the Board of

Supervisors. The applicant has made changes to the approved

elevations, requiring the Planning Commission’s review and approval

of SUP-19-125. The Planning Commission is authorized to approve an

amendment to a special use permit.

LU-2022-0013 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action

regarding a request for a special use permit to retain an existing billboard

on property zoned General Commercial (“GC”) located at 3400 Hwy 50

East, APN 008-302-04. (Heather Manzo,

Summary: The applicant is requesting to retain the existing billboard

in its present location. No changes are proposed for the billboard.

Per Carson City Development Standards section 4.8.3(2), a special

use permit issued for a billboard automatically expires five years from

the date of issuance. The previous special use permit was approved

on October 28, 2015. The property on which the billboard is located

changed ownership in November 2019, and the current owner has made

application for a special use permit to retain the billboard. The Planning

Commission is authorized to approve a special use permit.

LU-2022-0061 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action

regarding a request for a special use permit for a fence located within the

front setback area which exceeds the allowable fence height on property

zoned Single Family - 1 Acre (“SF1A”) and is located at 3809 Ponderosa

Drive, APN 009-137-07. (Heather Manzo,

Summary: Per Carson City Development Standards (“CCDS”) 1.13.5.a

a sight obscuring fence may not exceed three feet in height when it is

located in the front building setback. The applicant has constructed a

fence that is a combination of open view and solid fencing/wall totaling

6 feet in height. Per CCDS 1.13.7, fences within setbacks may be

permitted in excess of ordinance requirements by approval of a special

use permit. The Planning Commission is authorized to approve a special

use permit.

Pub Date: March 19, 2022 Ad # 22490


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