Jake Roman to be honored in Rose Parade

Jake Roman to be honored in Rose Parade

The Roman family holds a floragraph memorial portrait featuring the face of Jake Roman, who will be honored at the Rose Parade on Jan. 1 by Donor Network West. Pictured from left to right are Susan Roman, Mike Roman, Lily Roman and Blair Roman.

The Roman family holds a floragraph memorial portrait featuring the face of Jake Roman, who will be honored at the Rose Parade on Jan. 1 by Donor Network West. Pictured from left to right are Susan Roman, Mike Roman, Lily Roman and Blair Roman.
Photo by Carter Eckl.

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The Roman family will be in Pasadena, California on Jan. 1 for the Rose Parade in honor of the late Jake Roman.

A wreck took Roman’s life in January 2020, but his legacy is carried on in numerous ways.

Roman was a registered organ donor and his liver and both kidneys went on to save three people. He was also an eye donor and tissue donor as well.

Donor Network West, a non-profit organization that facilitates organ donations through Northern Nevada and Northern California, revealed a memorial floragraph of Jake to honor his memory.

The floragraph portrait is made with organic materials such as dried flowers, seeds, grains and spices.

Thursday morning, the nonprofit held a ceremony for the Roman family in which they revealed Jake’s floragraph that will be featured in the Rose Parade alongside other organ donors and transplant recipients.

“I didn’t know what to expect. The artwork on it was incredible. I think it captures Jake really well,” said his father Blair Roman. “It’s a thankful time for Jake to be remembered. It also can be difficult, but we are very thankful.”

The short ceremony allowed the Roman family to make the final touches on Jake’s floragraph, filling in the eyebrows.

Jake Roman is the grandson of longtime Douglas High assistant football coach and school board member Keith Roman, after whom the Tigers football field is named.

“It was a lot more realistic than I thought it would be,” said his mother Susan Roman. “It was pretty amazing to see. … It’s been almost four years since Jake passed. … We just feel very glad that Jake is being remembered in this way, honored in this special way.”

The Romans have found several ways to memorialize Jake, with several family members getting tattoos in his honor.

Now, Jake’s story will get national recognition.

“We were blown away that we would get to be involved as a family in the Rose Parade for Jake’s memory,” said Blair. “It was huge news in our house. We feel very fortunate that Jake was selected. There’s a lot of donors out there who are equally remembered by their families as well. It’s a special tribute to Jake.”

About Jake 

Jake Roman was a Carson High graduate and, at the time of his death, a student at University of Nevada, Reno, where he was awarded a degree in chemistry posthumously.

He was a two-sport athlete as a Senator, competing in football and wrestling.

Roman was a fan of the outdoors as well as the 49ers, Giants and Lakers franchises.

“Jake was such a positive person,” said Blair, Jake’s dad. “I never heard him talk badly about anybody, even his friends or people at school. I want people to know what a great human being he was.”

(Lily Roman, second from right, holds a floragraph featuring the face of Jake Roman after the Roman family put the finishing touches on the piece that will be presented in the Rose Parade on Jan. 1. / Carter Eckl / Nevada Appeal)


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