Past Pages for December 6 to 8, 2023

Students at Stewart Indian School Leaning sewing in about 1900.

Students at Stewart Indian School Leaning sewing in about 1900.

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150 Years Ago

John Doe from the mountains, drunker than a biled owl, (and oh! How preternaturally and cussed drunk a biled owl can get) laid him down to make his little bed on the steps of the sheriff’s office night before last. It was in the very noon of night when ghosts were out, and graves gaped; and so, Newhouse stretched forth his arm and snatched Mr. Doe in out of the cold and locked him up for the night.

140 Years Ago

All signs of a big storm failed, and we are to have some more Indian summer.

120 Years Ago

Mayor Longabaugh of Ophir spent yesterday in this city.

60 Years Ago

Armand R. Bacon, 27, was taken to Carson City today to begin serving a life sentence, without parole, in the slaying of a Battle Mountain school teacher.

40 Years Ago

A bear cub spent the better part of Sunday morning in a stroll through west Carson City, climbing a roof, scaring dogs, cats, and residents, and teaching at least two big dogs to leave well enough alone.


150 Years Ago

An Indian, howling drunk and ferociously on the war path, invaded the sheriff’s office on Tuesday evening, and right there, in the very inner ring of the fortress of peace, began such a mad and rantankerous course of high flung antics that policeman Newhouse socked him into civilization in less than a minute. Yesterday this dissolute and debauched son of a squaw was turned loose to cool his aboriginal head.

140 Years Ago

The new boat now being built by captain Todman for Lake Tahoe travel next season will be the largest and best equipped ever put upon the lake. It will be nearly as fast as the meteor and carry a hundred and fifty persons.

120 Years Ago

Louis Delasilva is the name of the man murdered at Lone Mountain, Esmeralda County last week. Marco and Cedric, Mexican woodchoppers, have been arrested as the slayers.

60 Years Ago

For several years the Carson City Council has granted several days of free parking to local Christmas shoppers. However, it appears this year the council will run into some objection if they again allow the courtesy Christmas parking freedom.

40 Years Ago

Gamblers at the Stardust Hotel tried their luck today under the watchful eye of state agents who seized the casino and charged the operators with skimming at least $1.5 million.


150 Years Ago

Candy factory — At last we have a candy factory here. Why didn’t somebody think of this sort of machine shop before? Flurschutz has embarked in that business on Carson Street just north of the Corbett House. Shades of molasses and sticky fingers! How the bairns will cluster and play about him.

140 Years Ago

The Glenbrookers say that it is almost warm enough up there to camp out.

120 Years Ago

Messrs. Millard and Epstein have received the contract for placing the new steel roofing on the prison. They will commence work immediately.

60 Years Ago

Santa Claus arrives in town tomorrow morning at 11 a.m. and will be escorted down North Carson St. by the Carson High School Band, the Ormsby County Junior Sheriff’s Posse, the Carson Area Boy Scouts of America and several other groups and organizations. Santa will be escorted on a Warren Engine Co. No. 1 fire engine to “Santa’s Throne” in front of the post office on Main Street.

40 Years Ago

Fugitive brothel owner Joe Conforte may testify this week before a federal grand jury investigating bribery allegations involving U.S. District Judge Harry Claiborne of Las Vegas.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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