Carson High business students raise money for charity

Carson High School social studies teacher Ben Spence gets pied in the face for charity during the school’s Future Business Leaders of America Week.

Carson High School social studies teacher Ben Spence gets pied in the face for charity during the school’s Future Business Leaders of America Week.

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In observance of Future Business Leaders of America Week, Feb. 5-11, Carson High School parceled out daily activities and emphases including “Fundraising Friday” during which FBLA members sold raffle tickets for a chance to pie a teacher or administrator for charity.

FBLA is the nation’s largest business career and technical student organization dedicated to inspiring and preparing community-minded business leaders.

The school started the week with “Motivational Monday” when they posted positive and encouraging messages around the school. Then “Tuesday Talks” allowed teachers to sign up to have FBLA students present on a variety of business-related topics such as: interview tips, resume tips, public speaking and professional business dress.

After that was “Work Wednesday” when students dressed up in the attire of their future careers. Then “Thoughtful Thursday” had FBLA members spread gratitude by providing every student in the school the opportunity to write a thank-you note for a faculty or staff member.

Finally, they finished the week with “Fundraising Friday.” They were able to raise nearly $200 on raffle tickets alone. All money raised will benefit Northern Nevada Dream Center.

The Northern Nevada Dream Center is a volunteer-driven organization bringing hope and relief to the community by providing food, clothing, toiletries, household items and other necessities to neighbors in need. Most programs are mobile, reaching those isolated by economic and physical limitations. Additionally, the Dream Center offers free job readiness training, rent/mortgage assistance, emergency shelter and life recovery meetings.

Future Business Leaders of America, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 education association with active middle school, high school and college chapters worldwide. Its mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.

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