Local producer creates western film to show April 7

Robin Adair and John Marrs poster.

Robin Adair and John Marrs poster.

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Local movie producer and award-winning writer and actor Robin Adair has created a western film, “Crazy Woman Creek.”

The evoking and faith-based film deals with a woman's struggles of being mistreated physically and mentally and her resilience in the old West. Eunice, who is played by Adair, is married to a mean, philandering drunk, Harold Roy Miller, who abandons her in the desert.

When she is discovered on the range by Wyatt, a range boss who is played by western actor John Marrs (who is also a director of the film), the hopeless woman inherits a new set of circumstances from Wyatt's boss when she is brought to his ranch.

Local folks who are part of the cast include the late Doc Durden, who was a filmmaker in his own right, and actors Mike Duggan, Kim Harris, and Jim Clark of Virginia City. Music is by famous country singer Lacy Dalton, Steve Swinford and Don Scriber.

The film will be shown on Friday, April 7 at 7 p.m. at the Silverland Hotel in Virginia City.

Those in cast/crew, press and investors, locals, reenactors, and filmmaking enthusiasts are welcome. Donations start at $10.


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