Past Pages for May 13 to 16, 2023

Looking west from William Street at the Dutch Mill restaurant, corner of William and Carson streets in the 1950s or '60s.

Looking west from William Street at the Dutch Mill restaurant, corner of William and Carson streets in the 1950s or '60s.

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150 Years Ago

The State Boundary Survey which is being conducted by Von Schmidt is carving off a slice of Nevada territory in the shape of a gore which pinches out and ruts over a little into California as it gets pretty well down to the southeast. Mr. Wm. M. Cary who came in from Douglas County yesterday tells us that Von Schmidt told him that at the point where he was then surveying, he found the line to be about 36 chains this side of the old stakes. It is pretty much given up that we have lost a great deal more than we gain by this new survey.

140 Years Ago

Yesterday morning a thing happened at the Lake Tahoe flume which is something new in this region. About half past 10 o’clock, one of the men who was working alongside the V flume at the lumber yard, called out to the men below that all the fish in Lake Tahoe were coming down the flume. A few seconds later a school of fish struck the apparatus, which is placed in the flume to turn, sticks of timber over the edge of the flume, and being suddenly deflected fell all over the workmen. Nearly a ton of the fish fell under the flume and the workmen took them away in baskets. It is believed a storm crowded the fish in the supply pond and then driven into the flume in bunches. They were mostly brook trout.

120 Years Ago

Some excitement has been caused by a reported strike in the Donnelly, or Division Peak Mountain on the boundary between Humboldt and Washoe counties. The formation seems to be permanent. Surprise Valley is the nearest settlement.

70 Years Ago

A quarter-horse race, two queens, and awards for the oldest teacher, lawyer, judge, cowboy and what have you are some of the inducements that are going to be added to this year’s Nevada Day celebration in Carson City. This year the event will be two days.

20 Years Ago

A restless crowd of about 150 people packed into the Silver Springs fire station Monday night angrily asking the city’s water board what was being done about a water shortage that started Sunday.


150 Years Ago

A small boy touched off a toy cannon in front of the Magnolia yesterday. It was charged with a ball which came near inflicting a wound in the leg of a youngster who was looking on when the firing took place. The noise attracted the usual squad of sensation hunters; and we thought at first that there had been an affair of honor.

140 Years Ago

Senator Fair has secured the lease of the Devil’s Gate toll road for another five years. He runs the gate where the attendant never has any change in his pockets and has to go back to the safe for a ticket.

120 Years Ago

As next Tuesday is the day of all days in Nevada for some time to come from the fact that president Roosevelt will pay us a visit, there is beginning to be felt a general excitement over the event.

70 Years Ago

Carson City’s new parking code will go into effect tomorrow, limiting the time on uptown portions of Carson St. to one hour and imposing a new two-hour parking limit on principal side streets.

30 Years Ago

After an impassioned, hour-long debate, the state senate voted 19-2 Thursday for a bill that would outlaw the use of corporal punishment on students in public schools.


150 Years Ago

There is an old well just off the edge of the sidewalk, in front of the Mint House, which affords unusual facilities for the drowning or neck-breaking of any person, young or old, drunk or sober, who might be so unlucky as to stumble upon it. It is probably the intention of those concerned to place a safe covering over that excavation.

140 Years Ago

Wells Drury does not believe in the antiquity of the prison footprints and ventilates a new theory: Among the most interesting things discovered by the scientists in connection with the fossils and prehistoric tracks at the Nevada State Prison are the tracks of the saber-toothed tiger. These tracks, according to a professor, were made 240,000 years ago.

120 Years Ago

Charley Treadway (Chinese person) one of the first of his race to arrive in this city died in Chinatown yesterday. Just what his real name is or was not known, as Charley has been with the Treadway family so many years that he was known by that name only. Old Charley was a landmark.

70 Years Ago

The state board of pardons and paroles completed its annual three-day spring session here yesterday after granting paroles to 100 inmates of the state prison and denying freedom to 25 applicants.

30 Years Ago

Seven state prison correctional officers have filed sex discrimination complaints with the Equal Rights Commission against the Department of Prisons over involuntary transfers to other institutions or changes in duty assignments.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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