As winter approaches, Carson City School District’s McKinney-Vento Students in Transition program needs new youth coats for boys and girls, all sizes, and new teen/junior sweatshirts and jackets, all sizes.
The drive will run through Nov. 17. Donations can be dropped off at the McKinney-Vento Office, 618 W. Musser St., Carson City, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday excluding Nevada Day and Veterans Day. Donation receipts are available upon request.
Monetary contributions to purchase winter clothing are also welcome. Gift card donations valued between $10 and $100 can be mailed to Carson City School District McKinney-Vento, 618 W. Musser St., P.O. Box 603, Carson City, NV, 89702. Donated gift cards can also be dropped off at 618 W. Musser St.
Students in transition lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence including children and youth sharing housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship or similar reasons.
Students in transition may also include migratory children or unaccompanied youth who are not in physical custody of a parent or guardian.
For questions, contact Hannah Etchison, McKinney-Vento and foster care liaison, at 775-283-1537,, or Theresa Fletcher, administrative assistant II, at 775-283-1510,
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