Bighorn News: New high school elective

Benton Snow poses for Video Production Class.

Benton Snow poses for Video Production Class.

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This year the Oasis High School students had a new elective to choose, which is video production. The class is taught by Mr. David Springfield who also teaches Ancient World History and government.
Through the course students will learn how to use a variety of different cameras, tools, and capture shots to portray a story. The students will then learn editing techniques to create professional quality videos.
“The main goals I have for the video production class are to create advertisements and athletic highlight reels,” Springfield said. “Other types of editing and film work the class will be focused on are projects related to both Oasis and community groups.”
The class has already received interest from one local group.
“We have been asked by officials from the Cantaloupe Festival to edit footage from this year’s festival,” he said.
The skills learned, along with opportunities like the Cantaloupe Festival, will be useful to the students throughout their careers.
“I'm hoping to get more skills in video editing and videography,” student Talon Johnson said.
“I'm excited to see what kind of creative and fun projects my students can come up with in their free choice video projects. Finally, I'm also hoping that we can raise some money to get better equipment and more cameras,” Springfield added.
To learn about the Video Production class or if you have a project that you would like the class to help with, contact David Springfield at
- Written by Matthew Bird

Lucy Bell shows a balloon near her desk.


Senior Spotlight: Savanna Bryant-Frentress

Joining Oasis Academy her sophomore year in high school, graduating senior Savanna Bryant-Frentress has sound advice for future students.
“My advice for future students is do not procrastinate. Work ahead of schedule I promise it will make your life a whole lot easier and make the school year go by super quick,” she said.
During Bryant-Frentress' time at Oasis, she found a school focused on students and opportunities.
“I started at Oasis my sophomore year and I have loved it,” she said. “I have enjoyed the fellow students and the staff. My favorite memory at Oasis is the friendly staff, especially how all the staff get to know you one on one. I am forever grateful for the opportunities that I got from Oasis and where they are going to put me in the future.”

Olivia Kutansky


Mr. Eric Grimes has specifically made an impact on the senior.“I would like to thank Mr. Grimes for pushing me to do things he knew I didn’t like and getting me out of my comfort zone,” she said. “I really enjoyed my government class taught by Mr. Grimes. This is because there were a lot of hands-on projects assigned and while doing them, I learned a lot of things from history.”
Bryant-Frentress will graduate in May and plans to continue her education to include finishing her associate of science degree and then attending veterinary school.

Savanna Bryant-Frentress


Chain reactions and force

Mrs. Jolene Coverston’s third grade class performed science experiments to learn about chain reactions and force. The class blew up balloons and used them to try and move objects like bricks.
“My group blew up balloons and then used them to push over bricks,” said Lucy Bell. “The harder we pushed the balloons the more the bricks moved. We learned the more force the more the chain reaction was with the bricks.”
Coverston said she enjoyed watching the students go through the scientific process.
“Students have been able to explore what makes an object move. This week we focused on chain reactions. It was fascinating to see their creativity as they moved blocks around their workspace,” she said.


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