Local road prioritization to be considered at RTC

A map showing Carson City Performance Districts. Road maintenance projects rotate between the districts over a five-year period.

A map showing Carson City Performance Districts. Road maintenance projects rotate between the districts over a five-year period.

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As voters begin to weigh two November ballot questions for local neighborhood streets, Carson City transportation officials have been developing a process to prioritize those streets for maintenance should voters approve additional funding.

Wednesday, the Carson City Regional Transportation Commission, which meets after CAMPO adjourns from their 4:30 p.m. meeting in the community center, will review potential fiscal year 2025 road projects for Performance District 2.

“Staff has developed a procedure to identify and prioritize potential FY 2025 transportation infrastructure projects along regional and local roads within Performance District 2,” according to the agenda. “Using this procedure, staff has identified four recommended projects on regional roads. Additionally, staff has identified four transportation infrastructure projects on local roads that could potentially proceed if ballot questions seeking voter approval for additional local road funding pass.

“If approved, staff will finalize project scopes and begin project design. The identified projects will extend the life of the selected roadways, enhance pedestrian connectivity, and improve the roadway pavement quality.”

Regional collector and arterial roads qualify for federal grants, while local neighborhood streets, the majority of the city’s roadway network, mostly do not. Facing a $21 million annual funding deficit to maintain the existing network, the Carson City Board of Supervisors approved in April two ballot measures that could partially fill that hole.

One ballot question is for a .25 percent sales tax, and the other is for a supplemental government services tax collected at the DMV (1 cent of $1 for up to 35 percent of vehicle value). Together, the measures are estimated to raise $6.5 million to $7 million annually and could only be used for local, neighborhood roads.

A staff report for Wednesday’s meeting broke down funding challenges: “The total available funding from the V&T infrastructure sales tax and local gasoline and diesel fuel taxes in FY 2025 is $3,696,790. There is an estimated $205,250 in pending project obligations leaving an estimated $3,491,500 in funding available for projects in Performance District 2 during FY 2025. The total estimated cost of the four recommended regional road projects is $3,383,750.

“Staff is coordinating with the city’s Finance Department to determine if any unspent funds from closed out, past projects are available to be rolled forward for FY 2025 Performance District 2 projects. If sufficient additional funding is identified, staff will initiate the preservation of Long Street, a regional road, in addition to the four recommended regional road projects listed.”

The report noted there is no funding available for local road projects unless the ballot measures pass.

“Staff have generated a theoretical list of prioritized local road projects using funding that would become available if both ballot questions pass,” reads the report. “The total estimated cost of the four recommended local road projects is $7,540,000. Through refinement of the scope of work for each project, staff will target reducing the cost of the projects through additional construction efficiencies.”

Regional roads proposed for work in the next fiscal year are stretches of 5th Street, Little Lane, Stewart Street and Farview Drive. Adams/Park streets, Beverly Drive, John Street and Carriage Crest Drive are some of the local road areas proposed for work if more funding were to become available.

According to presentation materials released for the meeting, different types of data are considered in prioritizing projects including pavement condition, traffic volumes, historic crashes, utility needs and more.

The full presentation is available online: https://legistarweb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/attachment/pdf/2670133/5A_RTC_Exhibit_1___District_2_Pavement_Project_Prioritization_Presentation.pdf.

In other action:

• RTC will consider ratifying a letter of intent submission for a $124,146 Community Development Block Grant administered by Carson City.

If awarded, the funding would be used “to replace existing and/or construct new ADA compliant pedestrian curb ramps, replace substandard sidewalks, enhance crosswalk safety at intersections, and reconstruct roadway pavement and drainage infrastructure (including residential driveway aprons connecting to sidewalks), as needed, along portions of Carmine Street, including intersections, beginning at N. Lompa Lane and ending just east of Airport Road,” according to the agenda.

No matching funds would be required.

• RTC will review a cooperative agreement with the Nevada Department of Transportation to fund the Western Nevada Safe Routes to School Program through Sept. 30, 2026 in the amount of $684,211.

According to the agenda, $650,000 of that would come from grant money, and $34,211 from a 5 percent local match.

• RTC will review a proposed not-to-exceed $485,108 contract with Sierra Nevada Construction Inc. (SNC) for the District 1-N. Lompa Pavement Preservation Project.

“This contract is for all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary for project improvements, which include pavement patching, large crack repairs, restriping, traffic sign installation, and slurry seal on N. Lompa Lane, Northridge Drive, Poole Way, Dori Way, Bunch Way, Sneddon Way, and Roberta Way,” according to the agenda.


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