Planning commission eyes radio tower, riding academy, multifamily project

The location for a proposed 62-foot amateur radio tower. The proposal that was denied by city staff but is being appealed to the Planning Commission.

The location for a proposed 62-foot amateur radio tower. The proposal that was denied by city staff but is being appealed to the Planning Commission.

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After convening as the Growth Management Commission last month, the Carson City Planning Commission will have numerous projects to review Wednesday, starting at 5 p.m. in the community center.

First is consideration of an appeal regarding the Community Development director’s denial of a building permit for a 62-foot-tall amateur radio tower on property zoned single family 1 acre at 1630 S. Deer Run Road.

“On May 8, 2024, Michael Vicari (applicant) submitted an appeal of a denial of a building permit application, RES-2024-0835. The scope of work included in the permit application included a retractable amateur radio antenna support structure and antenna which extends to a maximum of 62 feet above ground,” according to the agenda. “Per Carson City Municipal Code (CCMC) 18.15.020 (3) 40-foot amateur radio antennas designed for personal, non-commercial use, located in residential use districts, are allowed. Antennas exceeding this height are not allowed in the SF1A use district.

“The applicant submitted the appeal of the Community Development Director’s decision under CCMC 18.02.057. The Planning Commission may affirm, modify or reverse the decision.”

According to a staff report, a denial letter for the requested building permit was issued April 29.

“Based on previous email correspondence with the applicant (see attached email dated 3/18/2024), it appears the applicant is suggesting that there may be the ability to determine such a use to be ‘grandfathered,’” staff says in the report. “A ‘grandfathered’ use is referred to as a non-conforming use in the CCMC. Per CCMC 18.04.030 a non-conforming use is ‘A lawful use of land or buildings not in conformance with the regulations herein prescribed, legally existing at the time of the adoption of the Carson City zoning ordinance, this title, or any amendment hereto, may be continued.’

“Since the proposed antenna structure does not exist, it is not considered a non-conforming use and any new construction of such a structure would be required to comply with the current code.”

In an email to staff before the denial, Vicari described the project:

“My request is for the implementation and use of a retractable antenna support structure which shall be utilized for amateur radio service. Additionally, and in conjunction with the Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS), the antenna support structure will help provide emergency communications in event of disaster. The retractable antenna support structure is not intended for business or commercial use. This type of antenna support structure is required as it provides vastly improve(d) reception for long distance communications as compared to lower level ground mounted systems. Applicant is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission.”

In other action:

Planning commissioners will review a request for a special use permit (SUP) to allow for the construction of an accessory structure exceeding 75 percent of the size of the primary residence and the establishment of a commercial stable/riding academy (accessory to a residential use) on property in the single family residential 2 acre zoning district at 2170 Alfred Way, according to the agenda.

“Tiffany Coury of Elle Equine (applicant) is proposing to construct a 3,702 square foot detached barn structure and to establish a therapeutic riding stable that would have a maximum of four therapy program horses living on-site and would provide lessons for up to two clients at a time,” reads the agenda. “The primary residential structure is 3,866 square feet in size. A detached accessory structure is allowed to exceed 75% of the size of the primary building with the approval of an SUP. Additionally, a commercial stable/riding academy that is associated with a residential use is allowed within the SF2A zoning district with the approval of an SUP. The Planning Commission is authorized to approve the SUP.”

A staff report says the barn would be two stories and “incorporate architectural features, materials and colors consistent with the primary residence.”

• Planning commissioners will review an SUP request for a multifamily residential development within the Stafford Greens Planned Unit Development on a property zoned neighborhood business and located on the southeast corner of Stafford Way and Silver Sage Drive.

“Carson Luxury Housing, LLC (applicant) is proposing to construct a 12-unit multifamily residential project on a (approximately) 27,268 square foot parcel. Multifamily development is allowed within the NB-P use district upon approval of an SUP,” according to the agenda. “An SUP for this project was approved on Feb. 22, 2023, however the applicant has experienced delays in obtaining permits associated with the development and the SUP expired.”

The Planning Commission’s decision to approve the project was unanimously upheld by the Board of Supervisors on appeal on April 20, 2023

“Although the subject property is in a Planned Unit Development (PUD), there are no use restrictions as part of the PUD. Therefore, the uses are those allowed by the base zoning,” reads the staff report for Wednesday’s meeting. “The applicant is proposing a 12-unit apartment complex consisting of three 4-unit buildings. Each building will be two stories, with two units on the first floor, and two units on the second floor. Each unit will have a one car garage. Residential development within the NB zone, a non-residential zoning district, requires the approval of an SUP.”


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