Letter: IRA offers ways to save on energy costs

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Many people do not realize that the Inflation Reduction Act, signed into law in August 2022 by President Biden, offers homeowners many ways to save on home energy costs.

Here are just a few of them:

• Weatherization – increase the amount of insulation in your attic and seal leaks around windows, doors and ducts. The IRA has up to a $1,600 upfront discount and a $1,200 tax credit for this.

• Replace your gas furnace with a heat pump heating and cooling system. We save about $450 a winter on energy bills with our heat pump. The IRA has up to an $8,000 upfront discount and a $2,000 tax credit for this.

• Replace your gas stove with an electric induction model. The IRA has up to an $840 upfront discount for this.

If you are tired of volatile gas prices, replacing other gas appliances with electric ones and installing solar panels will save you money in the long run.

The IRA has a 30% tax credit up to $5,700 for rooftop solar. You don’t have to take these steps all at once, just replace your appliances as the existing ones wear out.

Sens. Cortez Masto and Rosen voted for the IRA. Former President Trump and Rep. Amodei have vowed to repeal the IRA and get rid of these ways to help people to make their homes healthier, more energy efficient and reduce their energy bills.

Thanks, senators, for looking out for Nevada homeowners.

Chas Macquarie

Carson City


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