National Honor Society inducts members for 2024-25

NHS inductees take the oath of membership on May 6.

NHS inductees take the oath of membership on May 6.
Sara Dowling | NNG

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The Churchill County High School chapter of the National Honor Society conducted its annual induction ceremony May 6 at the CCHS Theater.

The 11 incoming members include Jordy Gomez for the class of 2024 and Ashlyn Jimenez, Dru MacKay, Luis E. Lopez Pinuelas and Misael Alcantar Vera for the class of 2025. The class of 2026 inductees are Allie Fait, Samantha Maffi, Mackenzie Mills, Madison Palmer, Kylee Simper and Leah Sorensen.

NHS adviser Monica Fairbanks announced the 2024-25 chapter officers: President Alexis Haggard, Vice President Dallin West, Secretary Brody Hughes, Parliamentarian Misael Alcantar-Vera and Public Service Officer/Historian Ashlyn Jimenez.

The keynote speaker, CCHS English instructor and Mentorship Program adviser Heather Benjamin, encouraged the students to remember to keep perseverance, determination, humility, kindness, positivity and inspiration in their lives.

“It costs nothing to be kind to someone else, but it could mean everything to the one receiving it. Even the simplest of acts of kindness can change the trajectory of someone else’s day for the better,” said Benjamin citing an example of kindness.

Benjamin also told the students to lead and to inspire others.

“Don’t just stand on the sidelines cheering, get in there and participate side-by-side with the people you are trying to inspire,” Benjamin said. “Show them it is possible to exceed not only the expectations of others, but yourself.”

Mixing metaphors and life advice, Benjamin asked them to continue growing and learning by making time to read at least six books every year. She also said to find something that makes them happy.

“Something that drives you to become better than you were yesterday and pushes you beyond your known limits of today to succeed beyond your wildest imagination of tomorrow.”

Inductees took an oath pledging to uphold the society’s standards of scholarship, leadership, service and character. The responsibilities of each chapter officer were symbolically transferred from the outgoing seniors to the newly-elected through a candle-lighting ceremony.

Principal Tim Spencer congratulated the inductees and acknowledged the hard work of Fairbanks, the high school staff and the students’ families.

“Without all of your support the students wouldn’t be here,” Spencer said.


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