Letter: Thank you for your service

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As we approach upcoming patriotic celebrations, I wanted to take the time to say thank you to all of our community members who served this great country.

Thank you to the families that lost their loved ones, fighting for my freedom. I see you. Thank you to those that gave their lives. I remember you. Thank you to those struggling to find their place in life again. I pray for you.

• Memorial Day

• Flag Day

• Fourth of July

• Patriot Day

• Veterans Day

Remember to thank those in your community for the gift of service. Freedom isn’t free. These holidays are not “vacation days,” they are days to celebrate the pride, honor, courage and freedom that our brave men and women have sacrificed so we can live our lives in this beautiful community.

Thank you today and every day, you have made a difference in our lives one way or another. God bless America!

Nikki Rudelbach

Carson City


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