Faith & Insight: You are my God

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But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” Psalm 31:14 ESV

God holds a special place in his heart for his children. His children are those who have, in faith, called upon the Lord and received the gift of grace to approach the father through his unique son, Jesus Christ.

In those moments of dire need, when a person cries out, "You are my God," a profound connection is formed. This phrase, which appears several times in the book of Psalms, always carries a context of relationship.

It is used in anticipation of a future, as in Psalm 31:14. It expresses a deep longing for satisfaction in 63:1. It is a declaration of trust and deliverance in 86:2. In Psalm 118:28, it is a resounding thanksgiving to the wonderful God. In the depths of a plea for deliverance, it is a prayer for God's hearing in 140:6. Finally, in 143:10, it is a heartfelt desire and longing to be taught by the Lord himself.

The Psalmists found inspiration in Exodus 6:7a, where God declares, "I will take you to be my people, and I will be your God."

This statement emphasizes the close bond between God and his children. He desires to be in intimate communion with those who have called upon his name.

His unwavering and unchanging nature ensures that he is always present for those seeking his intervention. Regardless of your past or present, his mercy and grace are always ready to respond to the sincere heart that calls upon his name in times of need.

God’s heart has a deep longing for people to belong to him. Those who have this belonging bring immense joy to the Lord as his people call on him and declare, "You are my God." It's encouraging to know that when we call on God and personally identify him as "my God," it creates a beautiful connection that the Lord cherishes.

God desires to be with us in every season and aspect of our lives. Whether we're seeking freedom from sin, in need of hope, expressing our love for him, or humbly asking for his guidance through the scriptures and the holy spirit, we can call on the Lord and say, "I trust in you, O Lord; I say, 'you are my God."

Brady Roser is lead pastor at The Bridge Church in Carson City.


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