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Jeanette Strong

Stories by Jeanette

Strong: An establishment of religion

Opinion: It’s clear that the idea of a “national religion” was abhorrent to the founders of our country.

‘Lock her up!’ — or not

Trump and his followers would do well to remember that “Equal justice under law” is inscribed at the top of the U.S. Supreme Court building.

'The cloak of patriotism' — Strong

As we celebrate our four patriotic holidays, we should think about what honoring our country really means.

Strong: Dramatically out of touch

On nuclear waste disposal, Nevadans need a senator who understands what we want and need — Sam Brown fails on both points.

Strong: Signed, sealed, delivered

Mail-in voter fraud is actually extremely rare — there are many safeguards built into the system.

Strong: Sedition, insurrection and chaos

If we want future presidents to honor our Constitution and follow the law, we need to make sure Donald Trump faces justice in trials before juries of his peers.

Strong: Rock-a-bye, embryo

By calling frozen embryos legal children, a number of questions arise — and some are ridiculous.

Strong: Neither snow nor rain …

Louis DeJoy has devised a new way to delay mail service — he wants to move the Reno mail processing center to Sacramento.

Strong: Benefiting or poisoning America?

Immigration benefits our country. We need to fix our broken system.

Strong: ‘Tell me about Jacky Rosen’

Opinion: For those who want the best for Nevada, there is a senator who works hard and has done so much for us.

Strong: Peace, harmony, tranquility

In 1863, during the country's bloody Civil War, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln established the last Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day.

Strong: No right is absolute

Some think that freedom of speech allows them to say anything, under any circumstances. This is not true.

Strong: Frustrate, anger and confuse

Nevada Republicans soon to be faced with a confusing and frustrating choice.

Strong: Running for a pardon

Being busy, even running for office, is not an extenuating circumstance.

Strong: If you call a tail a leg ...

If Republicans want to be the 'Party of Lincoln,' maybe they should try honesty.

Strong: ‘I approve this message’

President Biden had his major infrastructure plan proposed, voted on, and signed into law less than 18 months after taking office.

Strong: Fought and died for in blood

Republicans have been working for years to turn back the clock to the "good old days" of child labor.

Strong: Slavery, dignity and human rights

Several bills in front of the 82nd session of the Nevada State Legislature would enhance quality of life in Nevada.

Strong: Equality of rights under the law

In 2017, Nevada voters ratified the federal Equal Rights Amendment. In 2022, we took a bigger step forward.

Strong: To save or not to save (time)

Standard time? Daylight time? There's been arguments — and confusion — since 1918.

Strong: With Legislature, only time will tell

Gov. Joe Lombardo says working in a bipartisan way will be a “central covenant” of his administration.

Strong: A little child shall lead them

Guess what group gun sellers want to capture? It's children.

Jeannette Strong: Governance or grievance?

House Republicans started with chaos, confusion, and conflict. We’ll see how they finish.

Taxes, taxes — who’s got the taxes?

Every president since Richard Nixon has voluntarily released his taxes to the public; Donald Trump refused.

Strong: 'I am ready to listen to you' — let's hope so

On Nov. 14, Gov.-elect Joe Lombardo promised he would “never stop listening” to his constituents. Then he ended his speech by refusing to take questions.

Jeannette Strong: Christmas around the world

"We sometimes tend to forget that Christians around the world celebrate Christmas in many ways."