Full bull of steam

The first annual De Golyer Buckin and Bull Bash kicks off today at the Churchill County Fairgrounds.

The first annual De Golyer Buckin and Bull Bash kicks off today at the Churchill County Fairgrounds.

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Christina and Cody De Golyer are grabbing the bull by the horns.

The local couple has taken an aggressive approach for the past year as they host the first annual De Golyer Buckin’ Horse and Bull Bash today and Saturday at the Churchill County Fairgrounds. Gates open at 3 p.m. both days with the rodeos beginning at 6 p.m. followed by concerts each day. Admission is $5 for individuals 6 or older. Children 5 and under are free.

The De Golyers came up with the idea for a rodeo as an avenue to give back to the children of Churchill County. With assistance from the Fallon Youth Club, the De Golyers started a non-profit organization and began work on the rodeo one year ago.

They created Cowboys and Cowgirls for Kids, with the rodeo being the featured event. This year’s rodeo, however, is being funded off the money earned from the couples business, De Golyer Horse Training.

“We are at a point now where we can do something,” Cody De Golyer said.

Although they are footing the bill, the couple said it is worth the chance to build and create a unique event for children.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re a rich kid, a poor kid or handicapped kid, if you’re a kid, we will take them camping, fishing, rodeo and teach them about life in general,” Cody De Golyer said. “All we want is for them to have good grades,” Christina De Golyer added. “There’s no payment.”

Twelve months after the couple conjured the idea, they have secured numerous sponsorships and locked up more than 20 vendors for the two-day rodeo. In addition, they also gained commitments from a pair of musical acts (Silverwing and Nevada Hazard) to perform after each rodeo.

The genesis for the idea, though, came through the couple’s children, who opted not do compete in rodeo this season, which took the De Golyers by surprise. The caring of their horses became more of a job than fun for their children, Cody and Christina De Golyer said.

In contrast, however, their children’s friends look at the 50 horses as something new and fun.

“Our kids’ friends will come stay at the house for the weekend just to be with the horses,” Christina De Golyer said.

“We wanted to get them (their children) back into it and they are an inspiration to us,” Cody De Golyer added.

Their advertising campaign, meanwhile, went through numerous communities in Fallon, Yerington, Carson City and Reno. In addition to radio spots, the De Golyers have pounded the pavement to spread the word.

“We have great sponsors this year,” Chrisitina De Golyer said.

As for the rodeo, the De Golyers said they have received several notices of cowboys and cowgirls who competed at the Reno Rodeo, which concludes this weekend. Cody De Golyer said the Reno Rodeo has helped with entries since the De Golyers kept entries open on the day of each event.

“Guys who don’t make the short go are coming out here,” he said.

The rodeo features numerous events including saddlebronc riding, a wild cow chase, mutton bustin’ and cowboy/cowgirl poker to name a few.

“It doesn’t matter how rich or poor you are, you should be able to go and watch a rodeo,” Cody De Golyer said. “It’s an atmosphere that should be shared with everyone. We want to make sure a family can come in here for $20-$25 and have a good time.”

Another feature, though, is inside the arena many of the activities such as face painting are free for children. The De Golyers have gone to lengths to make sure they “don’t nickel and dime” those in attendance.

In addition, the Marine Corps League will provide food inside the arena, with the proceeds being donated back to the league, Christina De Golyer said. The rodeo will also feature a tribal dance from the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribe to honor sailors stationed at Fallon Naval Air Station.

“In our mind, it’s a good thing to do that,” Christina De Goyer said.


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