Letters to the editor for Sunday, Dec. 4, 2016

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Program on climate change to air this week

Hats off to Senator Heller. He has been very responsive to messages he’s received concerning climate change. Many of us in Nevada are encouraging him to remind President-elect Trump of the importance of appointing people to his new administration who realize the reality of climate change (droughts, historically severe wildfires, super storms, rising ocean levels, asthma, etc.) and accept that carbon emissions play a major role in those catastrophic events.

We encourage our President-elect to choose people to head the EPA, Department of the Interior and Department of Energy who have a deep understanding of the science behind the reality of climate change. Ninety seven percent of scientists studying climate change agree that carbon emissions are instrumental in the warming of the earth.

I encourage each of us to write letters and call our Congressional representatives about this life-threatening reality.

I also encourage each of you to watch the National Geographic Channel next Wednesday evening (Dec. 7) at 7 p.m. or again at 8 p.m. The show is titled, “Years of Living Dangerously” and tells the story of why so many of us are passionate about making changes that will lead to a stable climate.

Midge Breeden

Carson City

Nugget’s feast left attendees thankful and happy

What a great way to spend part of Thanksgiving volunteering to serve at the Nugget’s Thanksgiving feast. What a first class operation. They sure know what they’re doing. I’m sure everyone was full, thankful, and happy. I know I was.

Thanks also for my picture in the group on the front page.

Frank and Janie Mielcarek


Irony of pub crawl fundraiser evident

I couldn’t help but notice the irony in the front page story in your Nov. 26 Appeal titled “Head to Head” where the Carson City Fire Department and Sheriff’s Office are competing to sell tickets for a pub crawl to benefit underprivileged students.

“Holiday with a Hero” sounds like a very worthy cause indeed, but I’ve another idea where you can set up DUI checkpoints on several streets out of downtown on the same night as the crawl event thus increasing the revenue taking in and donate a good portion of that to “Holiday with a Hero” also. Maybe they could name the later of the two events “Holiday in the Hoosegow” where the unfortunate participants get to hang out with some jailers for the holidays. It’s a win-win for the kids, Sheriff’s Office and the lawyers! Merry Christmas!

Wally Lasuer


Holidays are here, remember to enjoy them

With Thanksgiving in our review mirrors and Christmas just around the corner, it seems harder and harder to take the time to stop and enjoy.

Around the Thanksgiving table this year we had friends, neighbors, and family. After all the stress of cooking, cleaning, and preparing for the biggest meal of the year, something strange happened; we actually sat down and enjoyed it. It felt weird after spending all this time worrying about tiny details to actually relax.

As my grandmother (who did most of the cooking) tells me: “Life catches up with you in the blink of an eye, so enjoy it.”

I think this is a lesson for everyone, especially during the holiday season. So happy holidays, from my family and friends to yours. Don’t forget to take a breath and enjoy.

Caleb Schadeck

Carson City

No place for politically correct Christmas greetings

To be politically correct we must say to our customers “happy holidays.” Meanwhile overhead you hear religious and our favorite Christmas songs. Throughout the store are Christmas decorations. So for me I will always say, “Have a Merry Christmas.”

Barbara Phelan

Carson City

Free market making poor poorer and rich richer

We are sold a story of free market, supply and demand, and all that rot. Supply>Demand=>Cost. Supply

Reported in this paper however, building more (

But it’s all good, right? Good for government (

But it’s supposed to be good for the rest of us, right? We can borrow more money against our homes, and get ourselves in deeper debt. We can get out from under a mortgage that’s under water or sell at a profit to some other sucker who is willing to get himself in over his head, believing the values are going to continue to rise.

This is a losing proposition. It equals inflation, at best. Cost to buy goes up. Rent goes up. Wages don’t. At its worst it’s manipulation, exploitation, extortion. It’s how we get poorer, and they get richer.

Believe in the free market fairy the same way you believe in the tooth fairy, and you’ll be better off.

Kelly Jones

Carson City


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