Western Nevada College to offer new SolidWorks 3-D software class

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A new SolidWorks 3-D software class is being offered at Western Nevada College this spring to provide the technical skills that area employers may be seeking. Classes meet on Tuesdays from either 1-3:45 p.m., or 7-9:45 p.m., beginning Tues, Jan. 25.

The Computer Aided Drafting Design course featuring SolidWorks 3-D software will help students meet the rising demand of companies that want their technicians, engineers and designers to be proficient in this software. No prior experience with the software is required to enroll. Instructors will introduce students to SolidWorks 3-D and provide training and instruction in using this parametric solid-modeling software to create parts, assemblies and working drawings.

For more information, go to www.wnc.edu/academics/schedule. To register, go to www.wnc.edu.


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