View from the Past

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100 Years Ago

Coyotes Kill Sheep. Joe Munis, who keeps his sheep on the range in the vicinity of Job”s Peak, east of Stillwater, was in town Tuesday making a shipment. Mr. Munis states that he has lost a great many sheep from rabies. Not long ago a coyote dashed into his flock and bit the sheep right and left. The shepherd did not have a gun, but made after the rebid animal with a club, but it kept just out of his way. It probably bit 30 sheep before it was driven away.

Churchill County Eagle — May 20, 1916.

From Burglary to Pen in Four Days. A gentleman broke into and robbed a truck at a restaurant in Hazen on the 10th. He was arrested on the 11th and his preliminary took place that day before Justice Mason. He was committed and brought to Fallon. His trial took place the 12th, he pleading guilty and sentenced was pronounced by Judge Hart the 13th, and on the 14th Sheriff Coniff landed him in the penitentiary.

Churchill County Eagle — May 20, 1916.

75 Years Ago

“Death Valley Days” Story on Fallon Coming. Residents of this community who are fond on listening to the “Death Valley Days” programs that come over the air Friday evenings, will be entertained next Friday evening with a story that has Fallon for its locale and Fallon people in the cast. Mrs. C. W. Springmeyer, who has done considerable research into the history of this valley, chose for her contribution to this interesting western program, the story of how Dick Bass, well known rancher, found $1,210 in gold coins in his orchard on the old Lem Allen place after his hogs had rooted up the ground, exposing the bright metal. It was the belief that the coins were stolen from the old Lem Allen store. Two cow punchers had come one day to deposit some $600 each of their earnings. The looter of the safe was never discovered, and all trace of the money had disappeared until Bass found it in his orchard four decades later. This all happened on July 12, 1927. That, in substance, with many interesting details, will be the story that will be presented on the “Death Valley Days” program next Friday starting at 7:30.

The Fallon Eagle — May 31, 1941.

50 Years Ago

CowBelles Annual Mother’s Day Derby. Little Darla Jo Miller doesn’t know it, but she is worth her weight in beef. Born May 9th in Churchill Public Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Miller (the former Darla Snodgrass), Darla Jo won the CowBelle’s annual Mother’s Day Derby for her parents. Mrs. Dick Alles, chairman of the committee on the beef promotion project for the local CowBelles, presented Mrs. Miller with a certificate entitling her to a juicy roast beef. It is not known whether Mrs. Miller plans to save the roast for a celebration dinner when the baby’s father returns from Viet Nam service.

Fallon- Eagle Standard — May 17, 1966.

Sr. Girls to be Honored at Tea. Graduating senior girls will be honored at a Pan Hellenic tea on Sunday from, three to five at the home of Mrs. George Pomeroy, Jr. on Harrigan Road. All senior girls are invited to be present at the tea which is sponsored by Greek-letter women of the community.

Fallon- Eagle Standard — May 17, 1966.

From the Past ... tories from the Churchill County Museum Archives, researched and compiled by Cindy Loper, Churchill County Museum assistant.


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