Past Pages for December 7 to December 10, 2019

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150 years ago

New Club. Another new club has been organized in Carson for the purpose of passing away the winter evenings in debating, dancing, etc. The club has secured the New Theater Hall and will give their inauguration ball on Christmas Eve. We wish them success.

130 years ago

The children of the Orphan’s Home are to be provided with an Xmas tree this year, and any outsiders wishing to assist them would confer a favor upon the Superintendent by sending donations by the 15th.

100 years ago

Many an eye was dimmed and a pang of regret expressed in Carson today when it was announced that old Sam Longabaugh, pioneer and trail breaker and one of the Argonauts who carved Nevada’s name into the hall of fame and passed away at 83. He was a millwright by trade and either as a workman or superintendent directed the construction of most of the mills that dotted the banks of the Carson river.

70 years ago

An earthquake rumbled through Carson City this morning casing widespread alarm but no reported damage. The jolt was felt in all sections of the city at 10:45 a.m., but was recorded only faintly on the seismograph at the Mackay School of Mines. State employees on the second floor of Nevada’s ancient Capitol felt the jolt so intently that most ran out of their offices into the main corridor.

50 years ago

Gov. Paul Laxalt will turn on the Christmas lights at the governor’s mansion this evening in a public ceremony he says he hopes will begin a new tradition in Nevada.

30 years ago

The Sheriff’s Department’s new “Are You O.K.?” program offers a peace of mind to elderly and homebound people who live along by providing access to help, according to Sheriff Paul McGrath.


150 years ago

We noticed a steam Washoe at work on Gen. Fryer’s wood pile yesterday. The cussed thing blows and snorts a good deal, and saws lots of wood, and never asks for “more brick,” nor begs for “biscuit,” but it can’t vote. The primaries can be run without it!

130 years ago

Lew Johnson’s Colored Minstrels will appear in Carson on Dec. 11th. The company is composed of 20 genuine Colored artists of recognized ability. This will give a night of unprecedented fun, prose. Genuine colored minstrels have no superiors.

100 years ago

Governor Boyle has issued the following proclamation: “At the request of the navy department, I this day issued the following proclamation calling for fifty recruits to fill vacancies on board Uncle Sam’s fighting ships. Fifty good clean young men for the month of December are needed to help fill the vacancies caused by the granting of discharges.”

70 years ago

An earthquake rumbled through Carson City this morning causing widespread alarm but no reported damage. The jolt was felt in all sections of the city at 10:45 a.m., but only recorded faintly on the seismograph at the Mackay School of Mines.

50 years ago

The Max C. Fleischmann Foundation has made a $500,000 grant for construction of a $567,057 library for Carson City. The remainder of the costs will be financed by a Federal grant under Title II.

30 years ago

An accord aimed at ensuring the humane treatment of adopted burros and wild horses was signed Wednesday in Washington by the Bureau of Land Management and an animal protection group.


150 years ago

Nobody Hurt! — The ill advised rush of the rag, tag and bobtail across the Plaza yesterday, was by no means justifiable. It was only a shot gun that had been let off; and the most serious result was that two harmless pigeons where shot on the Wing.

130 years ago

The electric lights show off to good advantage in a snow storm and thrill their light some distance into the night.

100 years ago

“Old Man Barleycorn” was offered as one reason the death conviction of James (Tiny) Williams should be reduced to second degree murder in a brief filed with the Nevada supreme court.

70 years ago

Santa Claus is coming to town — and in an extremely novel fashion. The jovial gent from the frozen north will arrive in Carson City next Saturday morning and a resume of his activities will be aired over a Reno radio hookup.

50 years ago

“The coyotes watching the chickens” and “the rabbits watching the lettuce” were terms used today by anti-poverty and state welfare officials today to describe Gov. Paul Laxalt’s request for an immediate examination of Nevada’s rural anti-poverty program by paid anti-poverty officials.

30 years ago

The Navy presented a “memorandum of agreement” to state environmental officials Thursday that may guide future actions if bombs are again found on public lands.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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