Past Pages for July 24 to July 26, 2019

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150 Years Ago

Virginia and Carson Railroad: The grading will be finished by September. Spikes, car wheels and the like are arriving in Carson. The rails will not be here for 40 days as they are coming from Liverpool.

140 Years Ago

Going to the Springs: Col. Pantlind is going to the Genoa Hot Springs. He was a soldier once in his life, got into an Indian fight and an arrow was sent into Pant’s pants. The wound has plagued him from time to time. The colonel will be at the springs for a week or so and hopes to find his leg restored to a condition of soundness.

130 Years Ago

Fire: The alarm of fire was caused by the burning of some hay in D. Kaisers’ barn in the rear of his dwelling. A few buckets of water subdued the flames.

110 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Lake Theater, Motion pictures —‘The Curse of Cocaine,’ A drama. ‘The Shepard’s Daughter,’ a pretty love story. ‘Napoleon Bonaparte and Empress Josephine of France.’ Illustrated songs, ‘Because You Were an Old Sweetheart of Mine.’ ‘Back to the Good Old Days,’ sung by Mrs. Clarke. Adults, 20 cents; Children 10 cents.”

50 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Now showing —‘Sinful Davey’ starring John Hurt, Carson Theatre.”

20 Years Ago

Grant awarded: Carson City’s Advocate to End Domestic Violence was awarded $13,000 to partly fund a victim advocate. They were among 44 law enforcement and victim services groups to get state grant money for combatting domestic violence.


150 Years Ago

Waterspout: The Reno stage that brings passengers by railroad from the east was four hours late. The cars were detained in Humboldt Country because the railroad track was washed away by a waterspout that occurred in the mountains. The track was torn up for a considerable distance by water that rushed down the canyon. (Enterprise)

140 Years Ago

Little by little: Sisters of Charity have been in Carson. The present holders of the old Carson Race Course, the Catholic Church authorities, have abandoned their project of building a convent and will sell the land.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: Sam Scott, a tramp from Canada, is under arrest in Winnemucca for threatening the life of H. Green — for refusing him something to eat.

110 Years Ago

Red auto: A huge red auto was driven through the city at a pace of near 30 mph. It came near colliding with Prof. Smith and his family who were driving. The people on the street shut their eyes when the car came close. The professor whirled his wheel over and escaped with a scratch on his tonneau from the flying machine. Police announced that they will shoot the tires of the next man who tries that trick.

50 Years Ago

Sierra Boys’ Choir: A two-week summer session has been scheduled for youth in Carson City area ages 8 to 14 with unchanged voices. Under the direction of Stan Burk of Reno, the session will begin July 21 and will be held at Bethlehem Lutheran Church. During summer the concerts will be held at the Incline Village Community Presbyterian Church and the Pioneer Theater in Reno. A number of Carson City boys participated in the July session. They were: Grant Coonley, David and Stanley Flanders, Joel Arant, Matt Teixeira...

20 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Wallace Theater Corporation—Northgate Movies 10, ‘Tarzan,’ ‘Wild Wild West,’ and ‘Summer of Sam.’


150 Years Ago

Donner and Blitzen: Lightning and thunder with a light shower of rain knocked one instrument out of service at the telegraph office. It burned the ground wire and singed a post outside the office — too hot for a comfortable seat at the operator’s table.

140 Years Ago

Cords of wood: A wood drive has been run over the Mexican Dam and will be at Empire. This will make a total of 32,000 cords of wood that have been taken out of the Carson River.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: A nice large, sweet watermelon for a quarter at Chas H. Kelly’s, Arlington Block.

110 Years Ago

All sorts: Two men attempted to peddle gold bricks in Goldfield where gold is produced. They were pinched and properly jailed.

The city trustees will hold a special meeting to pass upon the extension of Robinson Street west into the Rickey tract.

50 Years Ago

Apollo 11: Astronauts hurtled through space on a voyage of the ages and will attempt to land men on the moon. The Civilian commander Neil A. Armstrong, 33; Air Force Col. Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., 39 and Air Force Lt. Col. Michael Collins, 38, have continued a flawless performance. The command module was separated and then linked with the moon lander.

20 Years Ago

Photo caption: A cross stands at the corner of Roop and Washington streets in memory of Brenda Jarman who was killed by an alleged drunken driver on July 4.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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