Senator Square: Carson High students back on stage April 6

CHS teacher Jim Bean and his wife, CHS secretary Patty Bean on their Spring Break vacation to Orlando Florida's Kilimanjaro Everglades of Walt Disney World's Animal Kingdom

CHS teacher Jim Bean and his wife, CHS secretary Patty Bean on their Spring Break vacation to Orlando Florida's Kilimanjaro Everglades of Walt Disney World's Animal Kingdom

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All CHS is a stage on Spring Break, and all the students, teachers, and administrators merely players until April 6; they have their exits and their entrances; and one person in time plays many parts, the acts being seven ages. The first act of the break was the CHS Chamber Orchestra Festival Concert, March 26 on, and after this it was anyone’s guess, though CHS teacher Jim Bean and his wife Patty went to Orlando, Florida to visit the Kilimanjaro Everglades of Walt Disney World’s Animal Kingdom. However, April 6, and using imagination, will be at first the infant, mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms; and then the whining school-child, with satchel and shining morning face, creeping like snail unwillingly to school. And then the lover, sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad made to paramour’ eyebrow. Then a soldier, full of strange oaths, and smooth like the pard, jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel, seeking the bubble reputation even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice, in fair round belly with good capon lin’d, with eyes severe and hair of formal cut, full of wise saws and modern instances; and so this person plays a part. The sixth age shifts into the lean and slipper’d pantaloon, with spectacles on nose and pouch on side; the youthful hose, well sav’d, a world too wide for the shrunk shank; and the big mature voice, turning again toward childish treble, pipes, and whistles in a sound. Last scene of all is the CHS Graduating Class of 2020-2021, just nine weeks away, that ends this strange eventful history, is second childishness and mere oblivion; sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything. ~ Adapted from William Shakespeare’s As You Like It speech: “All the world’s a stage” spoken by Jacques.

The School Social Workers have been working with a group of students to lead six campaigns relating to protective factors against suicide. They are asking everyone to Talk to Two. Current times have been difficult, and although society is moving towards safe and positive change, many feel more isolated and disconnected than ever. This month, the SSPs and students want to encourage individuals to Talk to Two people: peers, friends, family, colleagues, etc., and ask how they are doing. When concerned for someone, remember it is important to Acknowledge, listen to your friend; do not ignore their concern, Care, let your friend know you care, and Tell, tell a trusted adult you are concerned about your friend (ACT). If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide or needs support, please reach out to the following resources: Crisis Support SafeVoice Nevada for all concerned students, parents, and teachers at; Rural Mobile Crisis Response Team for crisis support through video at, or call 702-486-7865; Crisis Support Services of Nevada at 1-800-273-8255, Text CARE to 839863, or visit to chat; Nevada Crisis Line at 784-8090; Crisis Text Line at text HOME to 741741; 911 for life threatening emergencies only. For information about this and other events like it, please contact Alejandra Ayala, MSW, LSW, CHS Social Worker II at, call her at 283-1834, or schedule a Virtual Office appointment at


CHS 2021-2022 Cheer Team tryouts take place April 21 through April 24 at CHS 
Hello to CHS’ current ninth, 10th-grade, and 11th-grade students, along with Carson Middle, Eagle Valley Middle, and Private School current eighth-grade students, from Coach Sheila Story. “I would love for you to join our Cheer Team for the 2021-2022 school year, so if you are interested in trying out, please go to, and complete all the sections of the registration.” The deadline is April 19 at 7:00 a.m. Tryouts will take place April 21 through April 24 at CHS. Story added, “We will also send an email through Register My Athlete with tryout information, and we will also be starting a CHS Cheer Tryout Band App where athletes will find tryout cheers, dances, and the CHS School Song to learn, and the coaches will also post weekly challenges to help athletes prepare for tryouts.” Students and parents, please send Coach Story an email, if interested, at, or call her at 720-9583 with any questions. At this time of great need for safety, good health, and well-being, please stay at home, drink plenty of water, wash hands frequently, do not touch the eyes, and wipe down all surfaces.

The Nevada Indian Commission is in the process of setting up a couple of days over Spring Break to repaint the "S" for Stewart. “I believe the Honor Society was going to do a service project before Covid happened, and I will keep you posted as the dates become finalized and more information becomes available” said Native American Education Lead and Bordewich Elementary teacher Aaron Thacker. Please email him at, or call him at 283-2464 for more information. See the email below from Aaron Thacker about a volunteer opportunity to help re-paint the “S” on the Stewart hill. This will also be a perfect way for Nevada Promise Seniors to acquire some volunteer hours.

Know a teen who could use a lesson on how much “Adulting” really costs? Money does not grow on trees or spontaneously appear in Mom and Dads’ wallets. Celebrate Financial Capability Month in April by having students attend the GNCU virtual budgeting simulation. The General Public Virtual Bite of Reality takes place April 7 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Event registration is open to the general public, and a GNCU membership is not required. Bite of Reality is a hands-on application based simulation to give teens a taste of real-world financial realities. Teens are given a fictional occupation, salary, credit score, spouse and a child, student loan debt, credit card debt, and medical insurance payments. The teens will then have the chance to “purchase” housing, transportation, food, clothing, and other needs. Students will get to interact with GNCU staff and ask questions throughout the activity. This interactive activity will teach teens how to make financial decisions and give them a better understanding of the challenges of living on a budget. Teens may have to deal with a pushy “car salesperson,” a commission-based “realtor,” and weigh their wants versus their needs. There’s even a “Fickle Finger of Fate” to give the students unexpected “expenses” or “windfalls” just like in real life. Materials needed and registration for the event:, Smart Phone/Smart Device to download the free Bite of Reality 2 application from the app store. PC/laptop/tablet to log into Microsoft Teams, where the virtual simulation will be held.

The latest Senator Scholarship Scoop is online at by clicking Academics, Counseling Department, and The Scoop. The CHS Guidance Office is always available to help students choose and apply for scholarships. Email counselor Bridget Gordon-Johnson at to make an appointment. Need essay help? Watch the video at! Also, seniors need to check the due dates and where to turn in the essay to the sponsor. Make sure to email them directly. Also, check the title of the essay; it is never a good idea to turn in an essay to a scholarship that is titled for a different scholarship. Head to the CHS Career Center to see Mrs. Roman for help with a resume. CHS Seniors, please make sure to sign-in to a personal CHS Google Account for any of the PDF links to download these scholarships and edit them with the Kami App available via our Google.

The Carson Educational Support Association is offering a Brandon Putzer Memorial Scholarship towards any university, college, technical or vocational school of choice. Must be a son or daughter, step-son or step-daughter, or grandchild of an active Classified Association Member in the Carson City School District. To qualify a senior must have a minimum 2.0 GPA, must carry a minimum of 12 credits while in college, show financial need, and maintain a 2.0 GPA while on the scholarship, due April 6. The $2500 Eric Abowd Honorary Scholarship, in memory of Eric Abowd a 1999 CHS graduate who participated in many CHS sports and leadership programs is available to applicants who exhibit excellence in academics, a minimum 3.5 unweighted GPA, athletics, and leadership and must have participated in a sport at CHS. Application includes a one-page essay about "What Motivates You?" due April 6. The Graham Erskine & Raymond Hellmann Memorial Scholarships, The Northern Nevada Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, is offering one or multiple scholarships to students accepted to an NAAB accredited school of Architecture or TMCC, due May 1.

CHS Boys JV Soccer game against Wooster is happening today, April 3, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. at CHS, and the Varsity Boys game begins at 10:45 a.m. against Wooster. The CHS Girls Varsity Soccer game begins at 12:30 p.m. at Reno High School, followed by CHS Girls JV Soccer at 2:15.


Edwin Perez-Zelaya


Congratulations to CHS Sophomore, Edwin Perez-Zelaya on being nominated as the CHS Student of the Week. Advanced Placement Chemistry, Honors Chemistry I, and AP Enrichment teacher Curtis Kortemeier both nominated Edwin and said he “Quietly goes about his work, shows up every day, and simply does what he needs to do to succeed in spite of all the drama of 2020-2021.” Kortemeier had many more positive comments to make about Edwin; he said, “That young man will be great; he is smashing Honors I Chemistry at a time of record low grades.” Employees within Carson City School District nominate the CHS Student of the Week, and it is often the students’ teachers who do the nominating though anyone in the district may do so by sending an email to

Abby Golik 
This week’s Carson High School Senior in the Spotlight shines on Abby Golik. Abby is among the top 1% of her class with a weighted GPA of 4.928. This GPA comes as a result of Abby’s commitment to her studies and her participation in CHS’ dual enrollment Jump Start program through Western Nevada College. Because of her hard work, Abby will graduate with both a high school diploma as well as an associate degree, which is an incredible task to accomplish as dual enrollment courses are exceptionally rigorous and require students to spend long hours studying in order to achieve top marks. Abby has been a shining example of what is possible through this program, and this will also be reflected as she moves forward to play women’s basketball for Linfield University in McMinnville, OR and complete a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing. Beyond her academics, Abby has actively participated in several sports as well as clubs at CHS. She has played CHS Varsity Basketball all four years, and serves as the Vice President of the Future Business Leaders of America chapter as well as the HOSA Future Health Professionals chapter. She has competed at the State and National level for these clubs where she has often placed at the top of the competition. Additionally, Abby’s commitment to CHS in all of its aspects has been impressive, including the many fundraisers required for these groups; her ability to also find time for service work is incredible. It is an understatement to say that balancing college courses, varsity athletics, and extracurricular commitments is difficult; however, Abby has never wavered from her ability to balance all of this. Abby also works at BooBoo’s Buddies, Pet Hotel, Daycare, and Grooming for a little extra cash. Congratulations to Abby Golik. CHS is eager to see the positive impact she will have on the world. ~ Contributed by CHS Counselor Bridget Gordon-Johnson.
Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS


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