Salvation Army: Red kettle donations down as season nears end

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The Salvation Army raises the majority of its funding between Thanksgiving and Christmas. But this year, fewer donations and fewer people signing up to volunteer to ring bells at kettles has put The Salvation Army way behind in fundraising, according to a news release.
Tuesday, the Del Oro division, which includes Northern California and Northern Nevada, reported it is only about halfway to its $2 million fundraising goal.
“Failing to meet our goal could mean cutting back on some of the programs and much-needed services we provide, and that would hurt those who are most vulnerable in our community,” Major John Brackenbury, Salvation Army Del Oro divisional commander, said in the release.
Money collected in red kettles helps support Salvation Army programs all year long.
You can also donate with your smartphone at every kettle site using Kettle Pay, which accepts Google and Apple pay, Venmo and PayPal. You can also donate online at
There are many volunteer opportunities available all across the California and Nevada. To find a volunteer opportunity that fits with your schedule, go to


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