Senator Square: Carson High juniors to take American College Test

CHS Assistant Principal Sue Moulden-Horton discussing the upcoming American College Test on the morning announcements

CHS Assistant Principal Sue Moulden-Horton discussing the upcoming American College Test on the morning announcements

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The American College Test, a CHS graduation requirement, takes place Feb. 23 at Carson High, and it will be administered, free of charge, to all CHS Juniors. According to J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, “We do not need magic to transform our world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already.” Scoring well on the ACT helps students gain a competitive edge for college admission, improve qualifications for merit-based scholarships and financial aid, and may benefit future job opportunities. A note from the parent of a recent graduate said, “Do not forget about the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship; there are many students who, like my son, did not have a 3.25 high school GPA, which would have given him an automatic scholarship; however, students who receive a 21 or higher on the ACT are eligible for the scholarship as well.” The parent added, “My son attended the CHS ACT prep ‘Bootcamp’ his junior year, and I believe because of it, he was able to get an ACT score of 22, so last summer we received the scholarship offer in the mail and, though my son did not go to college, he opted for the US Navy, the scholarship has been accepted and is waiting for him when he finishes with the military.” The value award of the scholarship is $80 per credit hour, up to 15 credit hours per semester, with an undergraduate lifetime total award value of $10,000. Affordable college, who would ever guess? After registration, the student may request unlimited regular score reports for free. Also included is full access to ACT Online Prep, ACT Rapid Review, and ACT Academy by going to Students, this is a great opportunity to get a great scholarship without having the best grades in the world.


According to CHS Health and Freshman Seminar teacher Erin Been, “I have reached out to community partners in their perspective fields to bring to CHS’ students and parents an extended learning opportunity in relation to health curriculum; this will be presented in cooperation with Partnership Carson City.” ZOOM presentations began Feb. 11 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. and will continue every Thur. The Zoom code, the same code every week, is, and the meeting ID is 971 0999 5715. Please see the following attachment for complete information:


CHS student Kyla AcGee recieved 2nd Place with her Photography piece A line of Beauty


Though they did not make it into the last issue of Senator Square, please see other winners in the Annual PTA Reflections contest. The 2020-2021 theme, ‘I Matter Because…,’ called for unique artistic interpretations. Winners of this year’s Reflections contest offered pieces in two categories: Photography and Visual Arts. CHS student Vivian Lathrop won 1st place in Visual Arts with her piece “Remembering the Positive”, Sophia Crittenden won 2nd place with “Why Life Matters”, and Liberty Hoefling captured 3rd place with an untitled piece. Alanah Jackson won 1st place in Photography with her piece, “Seeing the Light in the Dark”, Kyla McGee won 2nd place with her piece, “A Line of Beauty”, and Trevor Castillo latched onto 3rdplace with his piece entitled “Confidence”. For questions or more information, please email CHS teacher Wendy Tims at, or call her at 283-1759.


CHS Student Council Leaders discussing leadership opportunities for next years' students


CHS students interested in either running for a Leadership elected position or becoming a member of Student Council need to attend a lunchtime meeting in the CHS Library on either Feb. 25 or 26. Leadership will be discussing Student Council roles and responsibilities, as well as the upcoming elections, and current members will be available to answer questions.



The School Social Workers have been working with a group of students to lead six campaigns throughout the remainder of the school year relating to protective factors against suicide. This month’s campaign is focused on connections. Students are encouraged to participate by completing a scavenger hunt in which they ask questions to staff members to get-to-know them. Teachers have been asked to help in answering questions for students and engage in conversation with them. The link to the scavenger hunt is For information about this and other events like it, please contact Alejandra Ayala, MSW, LSW, CHS Social Worker II at, call her at 283-1834, or schedule a Virtual Office appointment at


Luv Michael is a non-profit 501c3 organization advocating for autism acceptance. The company produces high quality organic, gluten-free, and nut-free granola without all the harmful chemicals and toxic allergens. They have a virtual volunteer program for members to earn 40 hours of community service for completing two weeks of service advocating for adults with autism using digital platforms. At the conclusion of their experience, a certificate of completion will be awarded to participants; however, if a participant continues participating, they may ear hours toward the President’s Volunteer Service Award, a nationally recognized award for outstanding volunteerism. All students desiring to earn community service hours are encouraged to participate. If interested, students are to fill out the Google form for an invitation to attend the informational student meeting at 11 a.m. Feb. 22:



Carson City business owners may purchase an advertisement section in the yearbook, multiple sizes available, to help immortalize the name of their business, the name of a student, and to also support the CHS program. It is super easy; business owners simply need to go to, search for CHS, select shop, and then select a business ad. They may then upload a predesigned ad, or they may design their own ad online. Please, businesses of Carson City, use this type of advertising to support the physical publication of the CHS Senators’ yearbook. Why advertise? It really helps support the CHS program, it enables the purchase of new equipment, it is a good business opportunity, and it is a write-off. Moreover, this year is historical, so become a part of history. Ad prices are as follows: 1/8 page is $150; 1/4 page is $200; 1/2 page is $300; full page is $500. Also, parents, students, and others may purchase a section of the yearbook as well and use photos to capture and immortalize an unforgettable memory of time spent in the Carson City School District. Have a look at the possibilities by going to All purchases need to be made by Feb. 26. For more information about the CHS yearbook, email CHS teacher and yearbook adviser Cynthia Mills at


Class of 2020 Graduates: the CHS Career and Technical Education Department is required to administer a Perkins follow-up survey of all successful CTE students who graduated high school. These allocations are a part of a state's Vocational Education Basic Grant Award from the U.S. Department of Education under the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act, Perkins V, previously known as the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006, Perkins IV. The Perkins Federal act was established to improve career-technical education programs, integrate academic and career-technical instruction, serve special populations, and meet gender equity needs. Please go to the following link and complete the survey on Google Forms:, or use the QR Code by Feb. 26.


The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery exam is here again, so whether or not students are interested in joining a branch of the military, the exam should be taken in order to see the opportunities available in serving the country. The exam takes place March 2 and 3 in the CHS Library after school for all 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students. For more information, please call the CHS Career Center at 283-1797.



CHS students from previous years being awarded a Greater Nevada Credit Union Scholarship 

Greater Nevada Credit Union has expanded its annual scholarship program, which began in 2000, to help even more students pursue their undergraduate, technical, or trade school education goals. This year GNCU will award $2,000 scholarships each to 30 qualifying individuals for the 2021-2022 academic year by offering two different categories. Please visit for more information and to apply online, or visit a local Branch.



CHS Athlete in the Spotlight is Trevor Castillo, a senior

The CHS Athlete in the Spotlight is Trevor Castillo, a senior. Regarding Trevor’s athletic inspiration, he said “I was raised on sports and have just figured out what I love and what I am good at.” As to the sports in which Trevor participates, he said “I have competed on the CHS Ski Team and Swim Team.” During high school, Trevor has maintained a 3.9 GPA while participating in sports, and for the remainder of high school he desires to place well at State championships. After graduating from CHS, he plans to attend UNR and try out for their ski team as well. Trevor’s motivational quote comes from former professional basketball player Michael Jordan. Michael Jeffrey Jordan, also known by his initials MJ, is now an American businessman. He is the principal owner and chairman of the Charlotte Hornets of the National Basketball Association and of 23XI Racing in the NASCAR Cup Series. Jordan said, “Just play, have fun, enjoy the game.” In speaking with younger athletes, Trevor said, “Practice like you want to play, and if you want it then work hard for it.” Congratulations to Trevor Castillo on being nominated CHS Athlete in the Spotlight. 



CHS Student of the Week is William Escalante 

Congratulations to William Escalante, a senior, for being nominated CHS Student of the Week. William was selected by CHS paraprofessional 4, Kristen Kellogg, who said, “William is a Comprehensive Life Skills student, who is online with CHS teacher Lance Hendee and myself, and he is in class early everyday and very eager to get started with classes.” William’s parents said he gets up at 5:00 every morning, is super eager to come to class, and is always expressing how much he enjoys being in class with Mr. Hendee. Kellogg also said, “He absolutely loves science and English and always turns his work in on time; if he struggles with it, he makes sure to ask.” Not only is it difficult for students to be on a Zoom class all day, but being a CLS student, on top of doing Zoom every day, “means William Escalante rocks the online class” Kellogg added. Kellogg also said “I just had to share in advance with William and his parents he was going to be in the paper and CHS Student of the Week; they said they were all jumping up and down, and they are celebrating with Chocolate Cake, which is his favorite.” Congratulations to William Escalante on gaining the attention and praise of his teachers.


CHS Senior in the Spotlight is Morgan Craghill 

This week the Senior in the Spotlight shines on senior, Morgan Craghill. Morgan is a driven student and a positive member of the community, both at CHS and in Carson City. Morgan maintains a 4.6 weighted GPA while taking challenging classes and keeping herself busy outside of the classroom. Since before Morgan even started at CHS, she had solid goals for herself. Knowing she wanted to go to college, but knowing little about how to get there, she joined the CHS Advancement Via Individual Determination program. She thrived in AVID, absorbing the skills she was taught and wanting to learn more. Over the next three years, she not only continued in the AVID program, she became a tutor for the younger AVID classes. This year, Morgan joined the Jump Start program through WNC where she is thriving. She is not only taking five college courses through WNC each semester, but she is also in the teacher education class at CHS and completing the AVID program. Morgan has been very involved at CHS. Along with her AVID tutoring, Morgan also helped with the AVID Night of All Nations during her freshman and sophomore years. She was a part of the CHS Blue Crew helping freshmen and new students feel comfortable in their new environment as well as National Honor Society. Somehow, Morgan still finds time outside of school to be involved with 4-H along with volunteering at the Humane Society and helping elderly neighbors clean up their yards and homes. Morgan plans to complete her associates degree at WNC next year and then move on to either UNR or Western Oregon University. Her goal is to either teach American Sign Language or mathematics to deaf students. CHS is cheering on Morgan Craghill.

Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.


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