Past Pages for February 27 to March 2, 2021

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

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145 years ago

The surprising manner in which our weather predictions were verified yesterday, was the theme of every fair-minded meteorologist we encountered. Veracity is its own reward.

130 years ago

(Swallow Tailed Coat from Thursday) There was also the faint scent of a perfume that don’t get onto a dress coat of a man who merely attends stag parties with it. In the left sleeve on the underside was a very quiet, unobtrusive pocket, which must have come under the head of “repairing” mentioned by Mr. Drury. The pocket was just large enough to hold four aces and this accounts for the sad look Governor Adams had the morning after the Ball. If Mr. Adams wants the coat it cab be had at reasonable figures.

120 years ago

Rathbone Sisters Temple meets every second and fourth Thursday, at Odd Fellows Hall. Visiting members cordially invited.

110 years ago

Since yesterday when the news of the terrible mine fire at the Belmont mine at Tonopah reached this city, little has been taken over, as the loss of life has reached such proportions that hit becomes a disaster in the history of Nevada mining. Eleven dead have been taken to the top from the 1000-foot level and another seven from further down.

100 years ago

Japan is purchasing large quantities of aviation material from Germany and obtaining instructors from England and France in an energetic effort to develop her air forces.


150 Years Ago

Celebration: The Ball given by the citizens of Carson in honor of the Legislature of 1871 was a grand success. There were between 300-400 persons present and the dancing continued until 4:30 a.m. Ingraham’s band was mellifluous and the supper gotten up in the best style of those popular caterers, the Corbett Brothers.

140 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Swift’s Hot Springs! The mineral waters now flowing from Swift’s Springs. The Private Bath Houses are now fitted up with elegant Dressing Rooms for the comfort and convenience of the guests. The Big Swimming Bath is capable of accommodating 50 people and has diving boards, dressing rooms, etc., and the waters are changed daily. Baths… 50 cents. Board by the day or meal. Meals at all hours. Free bus running to and from the Springs, day and night. S. T. Swift, Proprietor.

120 Years Ago

All sorts: Theodore Winters is very sick at his home in Washoe Valley. A number of farmers in this valley are ploughing [sic] for spring planting. Not counting the national capital there are forty-four towns and cities bearing the name of Washington.

The smallpox epidemic is spreading rapidly among the Cocopah Indians near the mouth of the Colorado river. Fifty cases have been reported with four deaths.

100 Years Ago

Flags flying: Both houses of the Legislature were properly decorated with American flags and each member had a small flag on his desk in honor of inauguration day.

70 Years Ago

Uranium deposits: A bonus of up to $35,000 was offered by the Atomic Energy Commission to boost its mushrooming atomic weapons program. This is designed as incentive for uranium mining in the United States.

20 Years Ago

Earthquake: A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Seattle at 10:54 a.m. temporarily closing the Seattle-Tacoma Airport and stranding the Southwest Flight waiting to leave Reno for Seattle. The Federal Aviation officials held all flights headed to the Pacific Northwest’s biggest city.


150 Years Ago

Stage Robbery: The stage from Reno to Virginia was stopped and robbed five miles from Virginia (City). There were three masked robbers all with shotguns. The express box of Wells, Fargo & Co. was taken out, broken open with a sledge hammer, and $531 in coin and $270 taken. A man by the name of Johnson was arrested between Virginia (City) and Gold Hill and the missing money was found on his person.

140 Years Ago

Born: In this city, March 1, 1881, to the wife of S. P. Davis, a daughter.

100 Years Ago

Hercules mining property: Grant Merrill is on his way to Alpine county where he completed a deal for the old Hercules mining property at Loope. Some excellent values were uncovered in the old workings and a new vein found. The new parties taking hold of the property will carry on experiments in treating the ore on the ground.

70 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Tower Theatre—Enthralling! Walt Disney’s ‘Fantasia’ in Technicolor; music conducted by the great Stokowski.”

20 Years Ago

Battle virus: Government inspectors scrutinize travelers arriving from Britain in an effort to prevent foot-and-mouth disease from reaching the United States. The disease can sicken any cloven-hoofed animal and is spread by anything that moves, people included.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan.


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