Past Pages for July 3 to 6, 2021

Photo provided Tallac pier is advertised in this undated historical photo.

Photo provided Tallac pier is advertised in this undated historical photo.

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Saturday, July 3
145 years ago...
Coin Shipment. — There was shipped, last evening, form the U.S. Mint at Carson, by Wells, Fargo & Company’s Express, to the United States Assistant Treasurer in New York, two hundred thousand dollars in silver — one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in half dollars, and fifty thousand in dimes. During the past month there has been shipped form the Mint about five hundred thousand dollars.
140 years ago...
Temperance Excursion. About 500 tickets for the Good Templars excursion have been sold on the Comstock, over 100 in this city, and the Reno people have, it is said invested in 700. It will take a pretty big train to accommodate the travelers at fifty persons to a car.
120 years ago...
It might be a good idea for the city authorities to see that fire crackers and torpedoes are not exploded during the parade on the Fourth. There will be a great many horses and floats in the procession and a stampede at such a time would mean considerable damage to property and loss of life.
80 years ago…
Three CCC boys, stationed at the state armory, but who were recently transferred to Camp Minden, were taken into custody Saturday on suspicion of taking a forest service fire truck from the armory and drove it to Minden.
50 years ago…
The United States Army will open its first recruiting office in Carson City July 1. The office will be located in the Federal Building and will be manned by a former Carsonite SST Joseph F. Madden.
20 years ago…
The Carson City planning commissioners on Wednesday rejected an 80-foot cellular tower — designed to look like a giant pine tree — after residents said it would hinder their views.
150 Years Ago
Prestidigitation: Professor Haselmayer who has taken Virginia by storm with his wonderful performance, will open at the Carson Theater with feats, learned mice, and educated birds.
140 Years Ago
July 2, 1881, 9:00 a.m. As President Garfield was stepping on board the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad train this morning, a man stepped up and fired two shots at the President. The shooter is a Chicago lawyer named Charles Gitteau who wanted to make Vice President Arthur, President.
120 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Carson City Carnival Street Fair July 3, 4 ,5, 6. Special Attraction Coronation Parade, Crowning of the Queen Allegorical and Industrial Floats. Grand 50 Mile Relay Race, Reno Wheelmen vs. Sacramento for the Coast Championship. Midway Plaisance, electrical display and fireworks, illuminated bicycle parade, Rex and his Retinue, Mardi-Gras display, Special excursion rates on railroad… By order of Carnival Executive Committee.”
100 Years Ago
Nevada car race: Everyone was out to see the state road racers go by, a Lincoln, Buick and Essex as they arrived from Tonopah. Even tourists lingered long enough to witness the near finish as the cars passed through the city on their way to Reno. It was 1:37 p.m. when the Buick passed through and 1:55 p.m. when the Lincoln rushed by with a roar and a rush. The Buick was travelling forty miles an hour and the Lincoln, seventy miles an hour.
60 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Sky View Drive-In Theater, General Admission 85 cents, children under 12 free, show starts at dusk. ‘Solomon and Sheba,’ Yul Brynner, Gina Lollobrigida. ‘The Horse’s Mouth’ with Alec Guinness.”
20 Years Ago
Celebration: The Virginia City locomotive No. 8 pulled three cars full of passengers back to the Virginia and Truckee Railroad depot, where a crowd of more than 80 people were waiting for the next train. The locomotive has been running for 25 years. Now a 3 and ½ mile section of rail reminds thousands of people of the railroad that once connected Virginia City to the rest of the world.
150 Years Ago
Miserable sea cook: There is a sneaking miserable son of a sea cook that annoys little girls by following them around when sent on errands. He tries to get them to ride on the wagon with contemptible dogs that children fear. Henceforth, he will be closely watched.
140 Years Ago
Cancelled: The Fourth of July Committee in charge of arrangements has abandoned the 4th of July celebration in Carson. When news of President Garfield’s attempted assassination reached this place, our people appeared to be of one mind in foregoing the proposed national festivities. On Sunday evening the President’s condition was reported improved.
120 Years Ago
Hannah Clapp: Miss Clapp has gone to Palo Alto to reside. Her school work is part of the history of the state. Many men who were prominent in public and business affairs were pupils of Miss Clapp. She has had a busy and useful life and earned a merited rest from school labor.
100 Years Ago
4th of July: The parade promises to feature the Governor, band, Grand Army of the Republic, Spanish War Veterans, Women’s Relief Corps. Second Division—Deputy Grand Marshal, Queen’s Float, Orphans’ Home Float. Third Division, Deputy Grand Marshal and Transportation from the days of 1849 to 1921.
60 Years Ago
Photo caption: Miss Carson City, Nancy Franklin, was enthusiastically welcomed to Bridgeport’s Fourth of July parade with her court of Patty Doty, Barbara Jones and Linda Chambers as part of the Carson City Chamber of Commerce float, but the grand sweepstakes prize award went to Hawthorne, who had a slot machine paying off in beautiful girls.
20 Years Ago.
Advertisement: “Ironwood Stadium Cinema 8, ‘Cats and Dogs’ with voices of Alec Baldwin and Susan Sarandon; ‘Scary Movie’ with Tim Curry, Tori Spelling and Marion Wayans; A I. Artificial Intelligence with Haley Jo Osment and Jude Law.”

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan.


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