Senator Square: Carson High beginning to emerge after invasion

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What just happened sounds like Science Fiction, and what should come to mind? A famous and terrifying story now that life is beginning to get back to normal again? For the past 12 months, the entire world has been in a unified and sometimes desperate struggle to find out what to do about the foreign invasion of the human body. According to WebMD: “A virus infects your body by entering healthy cells…There, the invader makes copies of itself and multiplies throughout your body… latching its spiky surface proteins to receptors on healthy cells, especially those in the lungs…once inside, the coronavirus hijacks healthy cells and takes command…eventually…killing some of the healthy cells.” For the adventurer out there, young and old alike, this description brings to mind H.G. Wells’ science fiction story War of the Worlds.In 1898, Wells said, “Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.” The assault of the Covid-19 virus disrupted life and society in ways none could ever have foreseen, yet with humankind rising to the challenge in often valiant response. Lord Byron (1788 to 1824) said, “Tis strange - but true; for truth is always strange; Stranger than fiction”, but Mark Twain (1835 to 1910) for the purposes of this short column, said it better with, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth is not.” The world as it currently exists is stranger than any fiction out there, yet the students and staff of Carson City School District have miraculously learned to adapt and adjust to the situation. Does everyone feel the same way? It is all a matter of perspective, and this perspective sees the enemy being defeated, spring in the air, and students and athletes, for the most part, excited to get back into action.


CHS teacher Ben Spence on tour with his wife and family in Istanbul. 

This summer, CHS Advanced Placement Seminar, Honors US History, World History, Adult Education, and Gifted and Talented Endorsed Educator Benjamin K. Spence is taking a number of CHS students to Costa Rica and Peru. Though the deadline for Costa Rica has passed, students are being put on a waiting list, so there is still a possibility of going. Also, the enrollment for Peru is closing quickly as well, so interested students and parents need to act now. As is this was not exciting enough, Spence said, “I am actively recruiting for Egypt for summer 2022, and this will be a trip of a lifetime: camel riding, pyramids, a 3-day cruise up the Nile, Valley of the Kings, etc.; I will be recruiting hard next year for that summer in Egypt and likely, the following summer, 2023, to Vietnam.” Regarding photos of past trips, Spence said, “Shoot, I wish I did have photos, but last year's Costa Rica trip, which is now this year's, lol, was due to be our first one; however, the first trip in which I went as a student, albeit a mixed college high school trip, was to Istanbul.” Spence’s classroom phone number is 283-1732, but he asks to please restrict calls to non-instruction hours, and his email is



CHS band members celebrating the March 8 awarding of academic letters at CHS in a socially distanced capacity 

Senior Academic letters were awarded March 8 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the North Foyer of Carson High School, and though the annual assembly with noted guest speaker did not occur, it was still a time of celebration with the CHS Band, Chamber Orchestra, and Chamber Choir playing throughout the night.


This week, CHS hosted guest Jason Mouannes of the Nevada Attorney General's Office Ombudsman division of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking. Mouannes presented to ninth grade health classes providing students with education about human trafficking, warning signs, as well providing students with many resources if they or anyone they know needs help. His presentation was based on the Blue Campaign from the Department of Homeland Security: According to CHS Health and Freshman Seminar teacher Erin Been, “I have reached out to community partners in their respective fields to bring to CHS’ students and parents an extended learning opportunity in relation to health curriculum; this will be presented in cooperation with Partnership Carson City.” Additionally, Suzie Rubio of the Public Health Program and Tobacco Prevention with Carson City Health & Human Services presented March 11 on vaping though Zoom code, and meeting ID 971 0999 5715. Please see the following attachment for complete information:


CHS teachers enjoy another lunchtime Monday for tie-dyeing

Originally, CHS Photography instructor Kara Ferrin invited teachers to the March 1 Magically Fun Monday, brought to them by the CHS Senator Pride committee, but they had so much fun they wanted it to happen again March 8. Ferrin invited teachers “…to join us during lunch to create your own tie-dyed piece of clothing to wear for Spirit Fridays.” Throughout this one-of-a-kind school year, Senator Pride has gone out of their way to help teachers connect with one another. The generosity of the Senator Pride Committee also allowed Ferrin to add, “We will have a limited number of undyed pieces available, so even if you do not have something to dye, please join us anyway and, if you are new to tie-dye, please do not be scared to try; we are here to help.”


The School Social Workers, working with a group of students to lead six campaigns relating to protective factors against suicide, are asking everyone to Talk to Two. Current times have been difficult for many and, although society is moving towards safe and positive change, many feel more isolated and disconnected than ever. This month, the SSPs and students want to encourage individuals to Talk to Two people: peers, friends, family, colleagues, etc., and ask how they are doing. When concerned for someone, remember it is important to Acknowledge, listen to your friend; do not ignore their concern, Care, let your friend know you care, and Tell, tell a trusted adult you are concerned about your friend (ACT). If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide or needs support, please reach out to the following resources: Crisis Support SafeVoice Nevada for all concerned students, parents, and teachers at; Rural Mobile Crisis Response Team for crisis support through video at, or call 702-486-7865; Crisis Support Services of Nevada at 1-800-273-8255, Text CARE to 839863, or visit to chat; Nevada Crisis Line at 784-8090; Crisis Text Line at text HOME to 741741; 911 for life threatening emergencies only. For information about this and other events like it, please contact Alejandra Ayala, MSW, LSW, CHS Social Worker II at, call her at 283-1834, or schedule a Virtual Office appointment at


Has this ever happened before? For the first time ever, Carson City School District will host a Virtual Career Fair March 22 from 9:30 a.m. to Noon. There will be a variety of employers, work force programs, and local colleges participating. Please see the promotional video created by CCSD Work Based Learning Coordinator Marc Rodina. The VCF is for all CHS, PHS, CMS and EVMS students. It will also be placed on the Student Dashboard of students' Chromebooks. Teachers are pushing it out through their Google Classrooms, as well, and encouraging their students to attend. There will be several Dutch Bros. card prizes if students complete the survey. Access the Online Binder link by going to: There are a few businesses that have not yet provided a Zoom link, and the Cover Page and survey are still in progress. For more details, call Career Center Specialist Susan Roman at 283-1797 or Work Based Learning Coordinator Marc Rodina at 283-2055.


Greater Nevada Credit Union has expanded its annual scholarship program, which began in 2000, to help even more students pursue their undergraduate, technical, or trade school education goals. This year GNCU will award $2,000 scholarships each to 30 qualifying individuals for the 2021-2022 academic year by offering two different categories. In addition to the financial education and work experience provided to students at the Carson High branch, Greater Nevada supports many of the school’s programs and events through sponsorships, fundraising, contests and volunteerism. Those include various athletic programs such as football, baseball, basketball, soccer, volleyball as well as cheer, arts and educational programs including choir, culinary, green house, business and band, and student events such as Career Expo, Big Blue Welcome, Safe Grad, Senior Projects, and Prom. Please visit for more information and to apply online, or visit a local Branch.



“Hi everyone, I want you to know the football program has a team store online where you can buy Senator Football swag through the Graphics Factory” said CHS Athletic Director and Head Football Coach Blair Roman. Attached is the link. “Your support is greatly appreciated” he added. Go to For more information, email


CHS Athletic Department’s Athlete of the Week is Ryan C. Kordonowy for Varsity Girls VolleyballThese athletes and all students who participate in school functions through leadership, clubs, and sports deserve a high level of recognition and congratulations.



Benjamin Ramirez 

The CHS Student of the Week is Benjamin Ramirez. CHS Language Arts teacher Shelly Bale nominated Benjamin, “…because he has shown great improvement in his academic work in English as well as his positive demeanor, and I believe he deserves some recognition for his efforts in turning things around, which is not always easy as a junior.” Here are some comments from other teachers who agree: "I really enjoy having Ben in class; he has been generally consistent in his energy and participation in discussions and general conversation," "Ben has seemed more engaged while in class,” and “Two weeks ago we had a Quizizz competition in class and he finished in the top spot; I think he was actually really proud of himself." Congratulations to Benjamin Ramirez on being nominated as the CHS Student of the Week. With over 2400 students attending, gaining the positive attention of his teacher at CHS is truly worth noting.

Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.


Pioneer High School Junior Lilly Mottram is still thinking through her options for life after high school. While some might be intimidated with the unknown, Lilly simply decided to graduate early, experience life, then narrow down what to do and make a plan for the future. After ninth grade, Lilly had a plan be in school for four years, which included completing her senior year in the WNC Jump Start program. However, just a couple of months into her junior 2020-2021 school year, with COVID-19 in full swing, she decided to enroll in extra classes, earn all her required credits to graduate early, then discover where her passions will take her. Lilly combined her studies with many interests and hobbies that include competitive dance, reading, Kajukenbo and silks. This did not leave much time to decide her future direction. She hopes by graduating early, and taking a year to work and save money for school, travel, go hiking and visit family, the time will help her decide her next steps. Lilly still plans to pursue her long-time goal to attend college and eventually get into the medical field helping people or animals. As a self-admitted procrastinator, Lilly says time management and procrastination have been her biggest obstacles to overcome while at school. “With all my out of school activities, it was hard to find time for homework; even when I had the time, I would find myself procrastinating” Lilly said. Lilly gives credit to her family and close friends for much of her success the past three years. “Every time I have gotten lazy or struggled, they have always pushed me to keep going and help get my motivation back; they have always pushed me to be my best and always reminded me I could do it even when I thought I could not” she added. She also credits her teachers for being her biggest supporters and said, “They have worked with me on my good days and bad days and have helped me get through all my tough times in school.” Lilly appreciates the opportunity and experience Pioneer has offered her and the extra help and attention Pioneer teachers have given her. “Pioneer has made graduating early possible by offering me the opportunity to take extra classes online, and my teachers sat with me, helping me with my online classes and kept me going on days I did not want to do anything” and “from the day I stepped foot into Pioneer, they let me know all my options, from graduating early or doing Jump Start, and they supported me no matter what decision I made.” Lilly is an example of what success can look like when perseverance and support unite. We know with Lilly anything will be possible and we look forward to hearing what her future has in store for her. ~ Contributed by PHS Counselor Cary Jordan. 


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