Past Pages for November 20 to 23, 2021

Downtown Carson during the Nevada Day Parade in about 1950.

Downtown Carson during the Nevada Day Parade in about 1950.

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150 Years Ago
All sorts: Young Topers [sic] – Two little boys procured liquor and became thoroughly intoxicated. One of them managed to get home, but the other slowed himself down and had not been found up to a late hour. One of them is ten and the other is eight years of age.
140 Years Ago
Flying hand-car: The local train from Virginia (City) when near Empire ran into a hand-car and sent it flying from the track like greased lightning. It was smashed to smithereens. Men who were on the car jumped off in time to save themselves.
120 Years Ago
A big eat: A number of Carson nimrods formed a rabbit drive east of this city with the intent of securing rabbits enough to feed the orphans at the home. Sheriff Kinney, Ed Burlington, Henry Wood, John McMahon and game warden Edwards were in the party. They claimed to have brought in over thirty rabbits and all of them went to the kitchen where a big feed was arranged. Superintendent Josephs says the next treat for the orphans will take place at Thanksgiving, when over a hundred pounds of turkey will be served.
100 Years Ago
Grand Theater: “Dinty,” six rushing reels of mystery, drama, romance, laughter and thrills; big cast of favorites headed by Wesley Barry. Comedy, “Snookies Blue Monday” Tickets 10 and 40 cents.
70 Years Ago
History of Nevada Museum at 20-30 Club: District Judge Clark J. Guild gave an interesting history of the Nevada State Museum from its beginning to present day. Guild asked club members to obtain and preserve old relics of historical nature in this state for placing in the state museum.
20 Years Ago
Photo caption: Arthur Porter, 13, loads toys into the back of a pickup truck after more than 350 bikers rode the toys through Carson City on Sunday. The annual toy drive provides for less fortunate children during the Christmas season.
150 Years Ago
Lake Bigler and Tahoe Water Works: An erratic individual named Pinchower was in town exhibiting a sheet of manuscript with two large red seals with a warning, “Eight Hundred Irishmen” from trespassing upon his rights as sole proprietor and threatening to call out the State militia if a ‘shovel is raised or a pick struck.’
140 Years Ago
End of the Pew: When you look down the aisles of a full church, you’ll see at the end of every pew is a man. It comes from an old custom which originated in the unsettled times when every colonist in American towns took his gun with him in case of Indian attack. They set themselves near the door of the pews so that upon the first alarm of danger they might be ready to rush out of the building.
130 Years Ago
Passed the hundredth mark: The teacher contest is about to reach the 100th mark. Mrs. Brumsey was the first one to reach the hundred mark which made her score 104. The score now stands: Mrs. Brumsey, 104; Miss Martin, 56; Miss Wasson, 48 …
100 Years Ago
Fair enough: The Highway Association of Reno has issued a statement favorable to the Carson end of the line. The reports states that the road is in good condition and advises cross-summit tourists to take this routing.
70 Years Ago
Classified ads: For rent — One-room apartment with dinette and bath, electric range and oil heater. West Telegraph St. See Judge Guild.
20 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Live healthy. Live happy. Live ‘Longs’ Pharmacy.”
150 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Genoa Hot Springs. David Walley, - Proprietor. Rheumatic & Scrofulous Affections Cured. An Elegantly Furnished Hotel with Thirty-nine Airy Rooms… Mud Baths and 12 furnished bath rooms each with Hot, Cold, Shower and Vapor Baths of Medicinal Waters! … situated at the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, on the stage road, two miles south of Genoa…”
140 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Rinckle Market, corner of Carson and Proctor, Carson, Nevada. Tibbetts & Kelley, Proprietors. Beef, mutton, lamb, pork, choice cuts, rib roasts, sirloin, chops, and everything that is Choice and in the Meat Line.”
130 Years Ago
All sorts: Some of the most graceful lady bicyclists in the state live in Carson. A small electric headlight for bicycles is being introduced. It will burn for ten hours without refilling the cells.
100 Years Ago
Grand Theater: Now playing—Constance Talmadge in “Good References” scoring her seventh comedy knockout. Two nights of gurgles and giggles. Comedy, “Torchy’s Knighthood.” –10 & 35 cents.
70 Years Ago
Draft law: Two men were sentenced in federal court to terms of two and a half years in jail each for violating the Selective Service Act — one claimed to be a conscientious objector to military service and the other failed to register for the selective service.
20 Years Ago
Virginia City Skate Park: The new Park that has only been opened for two months was closed after vandals tore out the picnic table and sprayed graffiti over the skateboard park and bathrooms.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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