Past Pages for September 10 to 13, 2022

Looking west from William Street at the Dutch Mill restaurant, corner of William and Carson streets in the 1950s or '60s.

Looking west from William Street at the Dutch Mill restaurant, corner of William and Carson streets in the 1950s or '60s.

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150 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Warm Springs Hotel (at the state prison), L. Lachapelle, proprietor. Free carriage from Carson. Baths, fifty cents each… Invalids suffering from rheumatic or scrofulous affections would do well to give the Warm Springs a trial.”
140 Years Ago
Flowers and birds: Mrs. Wilson will be at her old stand in the Adams House block for the next few days, closing out her stock of flowers and birds. The canaries that Mrs. Wilson sells are all prima donnas of the first class.
130 Years Ago
All sorts: M. Moriarity, a C&C brakeman, has resigned. He had been appointed mail clerk on that road in place of Phil McGrath.
A Japanese boy wants a situation as first or second class cook. Will do house or garden work in city or country. Apply at this office.
100 Years Ago
Metropolis: Frosts which have occurred during the past few nights have frozen Metropolis potato vines to the ground, according to word received in Elko from Bishop Woolfe.
70 Years Ago
Depot purchased: The Carson Masons have purchased the historic old Virginia and Truckee depot. Negotiations for purchase of the building and its 50-foot Carson Street frontage from the railroad have concluded. The depot was constructed in 1870 and sold for $17,500. This will provide a permanent home for the Masons. It will be completely remodeled to include a meeting hall, dining room, kitchen, and toilet facilities.
30 Years Ago
Photo caption: Kathie Lee Gifford interviews tennis great Arthur Ashe with co-host Regis Philbin during the live show with Regis and Kathie Lee. She suffered a miscarriage while on vacation with her husband. She is sending two bags of baby clothes she’d been saving to Florida for victims of Hurricane Andrew.
150 Years Ago
Ormsby House: This old and favorably known house is one of the ancient landmarks of the state built in 1859 or 1860 by the gallant major whose name it bears. The original building was made of adobe, two stories high, and later on a third story brick was added. The old adobe portion in many places decomposed. Settled, twisted, and shattered, it could stand with safety no longer.
The proprietors contracted with Captain Meder to pull down the old, decayed ruin and erect a large three-story wooden building in its place. The interior is to be furnished with all the modern improvements, the best furniture, and will be lighted by gas and furnished with water.
140 Years Ago
In brief: Our bulldog “Abe” is preparing a refutation of the charges made by the Enterprise that he had no teeth.
130 Years Ago
Protect the home: Enterprising burglars are about. A shotgun or Colt’s revolver is warranted to soothe the savage mood of a midnight prowler, either biped or quadruped. Cagwin & Noteware unpacked a fine lot of double-barreled breech loaders and self-cocking revolvers.
100 Years Ago
Reno Rotary: Children of the state orphan’s home were entertained by the Reno Rotary Club. A program has been arranged, the children will arrive in Reno and take a mobile ride in Reno, then lunch and entertainment. The Rotary boys’ band will entertain and following that games will be played. There will be movies will be the feature and the youngsters will be taken back to Carson by automobile.
70 Years Ago
Owners on leash: Dog owners in California hoped officials would be lenient in enforcement of the latest ordinance passed by the city council. The laws say: “No dog shall be in a public place without its master on a leash.”
30 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Valley Chic Boutique 2nd Anniversary Sale-A-Bration, Famous Balloon Popper Sale, Come and catch your balloon for discounts from 15 to 50 percent off. Every item in the store! 1657 Village Square, Minden.”
150 Years Ago
Maish’s great auction sale: There will be an auction of the finest and most varied stock of staple and fancy goods that include: 500 pair of corsets assorted, 100 lace collars, 100 lace toilet mugs, 100 crochet tidies… 10 dozen purses, ladies, 50 dozen dolls and heads, musical instruments, fifes, flutes and drums, piccolos, accordions and concertinas… fans, fur collars and cuffs... Call and examine the goods, at Moore & Parker’s Hall, where the goods will be sold.
140 Years Ago
In brief: The leaves on the trees in this city are already turning sere and yellow and before another month overcoats will again be in demand.
Carson Valley ranchers complain that hunters visiting the valley are very careless about their shooting, and if they do not grow more careful, someone will get killed.
130 Years Ago
All sorts: The men who robbed the Danish girl who works for Bath, robbed her of $70, and have not been apprehended. The authorities have pretty good reasons for suspecting certain parties and are taking steps to nail them. The only trouble is their steps are not long enough.
100 Years Ago
Class play: The first-class play, “In the Name of the Law” opened at the Grand Theatre to a large audience. Wonderful characterization of the privations of a mother and father for the advancement of their family was a success.
70 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Carson Theater— ‘The Sea Hornet,’ Rod Cameron, Adele Mara. Thrilling action on the sea, romance waiting in port…”
30 Years Ago
King’s Canyon development: A plan for 90-home site in King’s Canyon was unveiled at a Parks and Recreation Commission meeting for the 547-acre Harootunian Ranch. The plan proposed for the 200-acre Long Ranch is located further west than the Harootunian property with fewer homes. These plans will come before the planning commission in the days to come.
150 Years Ago
New improvements: We notice everywhere activity in building, improving, repairing, and beautifying. Carson is acknowledged by everyone to be the most beautiful town in the state for a residence, and families have been moving in until there is no vacant house, or empty room in town. Peter Cavanaugh has built two dwellings and will build more. Dr. True is building, Geo. T. Davis, and others. Building this fall is a good investment.
140 Years Ago
In brief: Hank Monk is on the invalid list.
Julia Beals, having forsaken the occupation of lace making is again on one of her periodical drunks.
William Lynch, the messenger at the Mint raises the prettiest flowers in the state in his private garden.
130 Years Ago
Wedded Bliss: William Seth Bliss and Mabel Evelyn Williams were made man and wife in Empire, Nevada at the home of ex-senator Evan Williams. They were joined in the bonds of holy wedlock by Rev. John Hyslop of St. Peters Episcopal Church of Carson City. Japanese lanterns of fantastic shapes were nodding and beaconing a welcome in the evening breeze to guests. Two incandescent electric lights on each side of the main entrance shed a soft light over the ceremony. Gifts were heavy silver coffee and tea set, bound edition of Shakespeare in pocket form, twelve volumes, silver tea set lined with gold, English tea set in tray, imported onyx card table, Chinese wedding chimes…. The bride was presented with an English surrey, O.F. Welly & Co. make and a parlor grand Steinway piano.
100 Years Ago
Concrete highway: The last section of the Reno-Carson concrete highway will open for travel, and the road will then be open for its entire length. The section to be opened extends from the Virginia and Truckee railway tracks northward.
70 Years Ago
Horseless carriages in Carson City: The next time you see one of those ancient automobiles on the road, Bub, don’t laugh. The largest tour in the history of the Horseless Carriage Club of Nevada was completed by 62 ancient vehicles from three western states through the mountains of Nevada and California. Automobiles built in 1900 needn’t take a back seat to new 1952 supermodels. The horseless carriages started their trek in Reno and ended there but drew a big crowd in Carson City. They visited the governor’s mansion, had lunch served to drivers and guests on the capitol lawn by senator Ken Johnson, and then they took off to Virginia City amid loud honks on their klaxons.
30 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Wallace Theaters—The New Movies: The New Carson Triplex, ‘Pet Semetary 2,’ ‘Rapid Fire,’ ‘3 Ninjas,’ and ‘Honeymoon in Vegas.’”
Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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