Past Pages for July 9 to 12, 2022

Downtown Carson during the Nevada Day Parade in about 1950.

Downtown Carson during the Nevada Day Parade in about 1950.

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“Roughing it:” Mrs. Arnold, widow of Mr. Sam Arnold, remembers the marshal of the town of Gold Hill. She is agent for the above-named work – the last from the humorous Mark Twain. Mrs. Arnold is stopping at the St. Charles Hotel and will canvass this county. The work is said to be the best Mark Twain has published, and it is to be hoped that all who can will subscribe.
140 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Old John Robinson’s over-towering and gigantic union of shows! Great World’s Exposition, Matchless Menagerie, Augmented Aquarium, Marvelous museums, Egyptian Caravan and a Strictly Moral Circus… “
130 Years Ago
New sidewalk: The new Capitol sidewalk is being rushed to completion, and spoony couples will probably have a chance to do the promenade set before the nights become too cold.
100 Years Ago
Your future foretold: Send dime, birthdate – for truthful, reliable, and convincing trial reading. Erwing, Los Angeles, California.
70 Years Ago
Governor Russell: In a statement in Houston, Texas he gave his support to Dwight D. Eisenhower as the “strongest man the Republican Party that could present as a candidate for president.”
30 Years Ago
Tom Hanks: Tom Hanks has made 15 movies in the past eight years — “Splash,” “Nothing in Common” and “Big.” Others, like “Bonfire of the Vanities,” “Punchline” and “Volunteers,” suffered a short shelf-life even in video. He says, “The risk was the same before I even made the first job. It’s getting in with the right people with the right material…”
150 Years Ago
Why remodel: The owners of the Ormsby House have decided to tear down the lower part. Those who have slept in that part of the house for any length of time have become dropsical, owing to the slanting condition of the room floors.
140 Years Ago
Dance: There will be a dance at Treadway’s Park. The managers have concluded to continue dances through the summer months, improving on the winter by a reduction in price and an increase in music. Admission to the park and hall, 50 cents.
130 Years Ago
Mutilating the Appeal: Someone entered the Capitol Library and cut out a vote in the decorative contest from a back of the Appeal. Lieutenant Gov. Poujade is very much worked up and so are all the state officers as the Appeal is regarded as almost sacred in the Capitol building. To mutilate it is considered almost worthy of the bow string of the guillotine, the bastinade and death without benefit of clergy.
100 Years Ago
Cookies: Miss Clara Crisler, chairman of the Red Cross Committee, organized the Carson women in a cookies drive for the wounded and sick patients in the Letterman hospital in the San Francisco Presidio. After the first consignment of cookies arrived in San Francisco, a thank you letter was sent, “We want to commend you on the great care taken in the packing of the cookies…” Paul Dettmer, acting field director.
70 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Opening tonight—At Last! At Last! Paris. ‘Mademoiselle de Paris – Gay—Saucy—French, ‘Mademoiselle de Paris,’ dozens of stars and shows – the most beautiful girls. A breath-taking beautiful show. Artist and models. The Mardi Gras of the four arts! Original! Startling! Parisian Gowns – Stars of the American & Continental Stages, Casino de Paris, Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
30 Years Ago
Advertisement: Wallace Theatres, the new movies 4 — ‘Batman Returns,’ ‘A League of Their Own,’ ‘Unlawful Entry,’ and ‘Housesitter.’”
150 Years Ago
Wood driving: From the firm of Bryant, Flanders & Co., we learn that an immense quantity of wood is being driven down the Carson River with 10-12,000 cords of wood collected at the Spanish Dam. Soon our sister town of Empire will be overdone with business.
140 Years Ago
Board of pardons: Charles Lain, sentenced to four years for killing a cow, was pardoned. James Mazoo, sentenced to one year for stealing a ride in a railroad box car, which appears to be considered house breaking under the law, was also pardoned.
130 Years Ago
Learning the ropes: One of the young Indians John Mack took to San Francisco to play in an act with the Dr. Carver combination was out for a walk in the alleys in San Francisco. He was with Captain Pete of the Washoe tribe when he was enticed into a dive by two of the soiled doves who immediately stripped him of each, amounting to $7 or $8 – also his clothing.
100 Years Ago
Photo caption: William Marconi, the Italian radio wizard, photographed in the radio room of his yacht Elettra, on which he just crossed the Atlantic. It is with the elaborate outfit shown here that Marconi hopes to receive messages which he suspects the inhabitants of Mars are trying to send to the earth.
70 Years Ago
Warning drivers: Judge W.E. Dunfield announced several police court actions at the same time cautioning the public of the danger of speeding through town. All of the actions were speeding violations.
30 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Arundel Auction House – an assortment of collectible plates from several countries. Plate frames in many sizes and shapes… his and her bikes, baseball cards, gemstones, dolls…old pump organ, records, old photos and much more by auction time. Arundel Auction, 411 Hot Springs Road.”
150 Years Ago
The brewery: There is no place in Carson City so suggestive of nice cool lager as Klein’s brewery. Many resort to those cool places who like long drinks and a cool place to sit to indulge in friendly chat. The malt smells so sweet, and the glasses are so nice and big, that temperance almost seems to lose its virtue.
140 Years Ago
In brief: Horace Dorsey who had his face badly marked by the burning of powder on the Fourth of July, will not lose his sight, as previously reported.
Nowadays when a young man bores a Carson lady, and she is too polite to say, “You make me tired,” she simply yawns a little, and if the male bi-ped is not an idiot, he will take the hint.
130 Years Ago
All sorts: A one-legged acrobat did an astonishing performance in front of the county building.
100 Years Ago
Whist party: A whist party (card game) was given by Mr. and Mrs. George Tyrell in honor of their California guests. First prizes were won by Mrs. F. Fodrin and Leale Peters.
70 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Carson Theater, ‘Let’s Make It Legal’ with Claudette Colbert, Zachery Scott, MacDonald Cary, and Barbara Bates. Delightful comedy – exciting entertainment, cartoon and two-reel special.
30 Years Ago
Photo caption: The Bureau of Land Management’s helicopter is now stationed at the Carson City Airport. The helitak, crew, Scott Crouch, and Val Herandez equip the bird with fire equipment which will be used during the fire season. Pilot Jason Altselmer has been flying helicopters for about seven years, beginning his career in Vietnam in 1970.
Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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