(Editor’s Note: Campbell is the Carson High School Library Media Specialist and Carson City School District Library Coordinator)
A huge thank you to Carson City! After our call for help, local families offered to donate both the 1956 and 1958 yearbooks. We now have a complete collection of yearbooks for the Story of Carson High project. As items are received and cataloged, they will be featured digitally. To view yearbooks and stories, go to carsonhigh.com. Under Quick Links, choose “Library” and “Story of Carson High” link. @SenatorsLibrary is making connections. Students meet to study, relax, learn, and socialize. A group of CHS Library Student Staff created an interactive display for February titled, "Black History is Our History.” The display highlights notable people of color in the form of a periodic table with a QR code connecting to videos and speeches. A group of seniors are “Sticking Together” by completing a sticker art project similar to paint by number. They are learning about famous art pieces with each completed project. Puzzle-mania is our lunchtime activity. Students are gathering together to work on community puzzles which are slowly taking over the library tables. The library makerspace and creative activities offer students an opportunity to work together, be creative, and make personal connections. We are gratefully accepting donations of puzzles, games (appropriate for teens) and crafting supplies. A puzzle table is on our wish list, too. Contact Ananda Campbell at acampbell@carson.k12.nv.us or 775-283-1641
Seniors, thinking about a career in the military, possibly? Interested in seeing where career skills lie? Receiving a rad Career Ready Diploma, but have not taken the Career and Technical Education pathway? The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery exam is amping up again as graduation is ahead and summer approaches, so whether or not students are interested in joining a branch of the military, the exam should be taken in order to see the opportunities available in serving the country. A yes to any of these questions should result in a sign up now because CHS has an ASVAB test scheduled for March 8 at 7:35 a.m. in the CHS Library for all 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students and requires them to bring a charged Chromebook. For more information, please call the CHS Career Center at 283-1797. Questions, please see Mrs. Roman in the Career Center, but first, fill out this form by going to forms.gle/F3RPaHv943PVQmq57.
The ELA Team, comprised of a multifaceted team of stakeholders who provide input regarding effective ways to support English Learners and former ELs in fully participating in all school activities, will focus on exploring avenues for celebrating students’ bilingualism and promoting approaches aimed at capitalizing on ELs linguistic funds. This team is comprised of a broad base of school community stakeholders including EL specialists, paraprofessionals, teachers, district leaders, students, and parents. Team meetings are being held in a high-flex format, and they hope others will join them March 9, and May 4, from 3:45 to 5 p.m. at Empire Elementary School, 1260 Monte Rosa Drive in Carson City. Participation in this endeavor is greatly appreciated on behalf of Assistant Director of Equity and EL Programming with the Carson City School District, Dr. Tanya Scott and the students served by the CCSD EL Program. Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Scott with questions, or let her know you are planning to attend. Those wishing to join the team virtually, however, may obtain information for joining the meeting via Zoom upon request. For more information, or to R.S.V.P., please contact Dr. Tanya Scott at tscott@carson.k12.nv.us. or 283-1507.
Attention CHS Seniors and Juniors, representatives from Tesla will be at CHS March 10 from 6 to 7 p.m. in the CHS Library discussing employment and apprenticeship opportunities. This is a fantastic opportunity for seniors moving forward after graduation and for juniors thinking about what they will do in the near future as well. This apprenticeship offers CHS graduates full-time work at Tesla while earning a scholarship in advanced manufacturing and other areas. Go to the following to sign up and check out the details of this one-of-a-kind opportunity as it will most definitely lead career-minded and goal-setting individuals, those interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, into the right direction of planning for the future, not to mention free money too. docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc10MGw3xNWHJGzcOTztwv_d0YsZ3QT7TNxxYBrlqGWHyfNGQ/viewform docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vtslg0pGTAsJpbBT3Ve5Q8DxAfOWh3_qCfIMbRbpGpQ/present#slide=id.p
CHS’ Safe and Sober 5k Run and Walk is April 2 beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the CHS track. Interested walkers and runners may find the application at carsonhighsafegrad.com. The Safe Grad Committee is looking for sponsors and raffle prize donations too. This is a great opportunity for individuals and businesses to get their name and products seen in the community. Register early by mailing in a form and check payable to Carson High Safe Grad Booster, PO Box 486 Carson City, NV 89702. Regular fee is $35 and $25 for students or younger. After March 20, there will be a late fee per category plus $5 processing fee and no t-shirt guarantee. Check-in is from 8:30 to 9 a.m., and the 5K begins at 10 a.m. Safe and Sober 5K is organized by volunteers of the CHSGB. The CHS Safe Grad program has been an annual tradition in Carson City since 1988, providing graduating seniors with a safe and sober all night celebration on the eve of their graduation, followed by a trip to the Six Flags Discovery Kingdom amusement park in Vallejo, California. This event has been a tremendous success in that not one graduation night fatality for a CHS graduate has occurred since its inception. https://www.webscorer.com/register?raceid=269705&fbclid=IwAR3OQ3LOYABuz7yrHE4jnWc1CS8kULsiKry137QDcn6OPwUYgmFeiQxzi_Y
On behalf of my sister, Diego’s Wife Veronica, on Feb. 8, Carson High Graduate Diego Elizondo, now 23, was in a rollover accident. Diego is an amazing person with a beautiful heart. He is a perfect father to our three-year-old daughter, an amazing husband, son, brother, uncle, cousin, friend, coworker, and so much more. He suffered significant brain trauma, and as soon as he arrived at hospital, emergency surgery was performed. He is currently not fully alert and has intermittent periods of purposeful movement. Doctors think his recovery is measured in weeks to months. We all know how mentally strong Diego is, and I know he is working so hard to wake up and get back to us soon. Most importantly, I am asking everyone to take some time out of their day, every day, and pray for his complete recovery. God is with him and God is powerful. Diego is strong. I am asking for any donations to help with medical expenses and rehab expenses, once he wakes up, as well as personal expenses so he will not have to worry about expenses during his recovery. Cómo muchos saben, Diego Elizondo tubo un accidente de vuelco el 8 de Febrero. Diego tiene 23 años y es una maravillosa persona con un corazón de oro. Es un padre perfecto para nuestra hija de tres años. Es un esposo ejemplar, un hijo, hermano, tío, primo, y amigo maravilloso. Sufrió bastante trauma a su cerebro de el accidente requiriendo cirugía emergente cuando llegó al hospital. Ahorita no está completamente despierto, tiene momentos durante el día que tiene movimientos con propósito. Los doctores piensan que su recuperación es medida en semanas a meses. Todos sabemos lo fuerte que Diego es mentalmente y yo se que está luchando mucho para poder regresar a casa con nosotros pronto. Primero que nada les pido que tomen tiempo de su día todos los días para orar por la recuperación completa de Diego. Dios está con el y Dios es poderoso. Y Diego es fuerte. Estoy pidiendo donaciones para gastos médicos y de rehabilitación ya que despierte. To assist in his recovery expenses, please go to gofundme.com/f/diego-elizondo?qid=69c4d4289bd376093d1ec71c75ff94b5
CHS Athletic Department’s Athletes of the Week are those of the Varsity Boys Ski Team for becoming the 2022 Boys Skiing Academic State Champions. These boys had the highest GPA in the State. The following athletes and their coaches, and all students who participate in school functions through leadership, clubs, and sports, deserve a high level of recognition and congratulations. From left to right are CHS Ski Team Coach Kelly Hogan, Isaac Hope-Almazan, Thomas Callister, Zane Ferguson, Alexander Prunty, Andrew Ingersoll, and CHS Ski Team Coach Brad Wick.
Congratulations to CHS Freshman, Angelo Macias on being nominated Student of the Week. According to CHS Theatre, Musical Theatre, and English Language Arts teacher Andie Wilkerson, “Angelo works hard and is a good influence on those around him.” Wilkerson added, “He has a consistently positive attitude and is always ready to help a classmate in need.” Employees within Carson City School District nominate the CHS Student of the Week, and it is often the teachers who do the nominating, though anyone in the district may do so by sending an email to pbrady@carson.k12.nv.us. Congratulations to Angelo Macias in standing out so much so his teacher nominated him CHS Student of the Week.
This week’s Senior in the Spotlight is Gisela Vazquez. Gisela is one of the many outstanding seniors at Carson High, and she has some wonderfully exciting plans for her future after graduating in June from CHS. Among them, traveling through Europe, exploring other countries, and quite possibly studying Psychology in college. She says she has always been interested in Cognitive Psychology and the exploration of mental processes. Cognitive psychologists, sometimes called brain scientists, study how the human brain works, how humans think, remember, and learn. They apply psychological science to understand how humans perceive events and make decisions. Gisela has been a part of CHS’ Military Science, Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp program, for four years. She currently holds the rank of Cadet Master Chief and is on their Drill team. The CHS Competition Drill Team is a marching unit which performs routines based on military drill. Cadets may perform either armed or unarmed drill during competitive drill competitions. The armed and unarmed teams also have an exhibition team where Cadets may add their own unique style to a choreographed routine. Gisela and other cadets do an unarmed routine, and she participated in both regulation, with 16 cadets, and exhibition, with 10 other cadets. In their recently Navy only competition in Las Vegas, all teams place second overall. Gisela is a highly motivated student with a great deal to give. She will be successful is all she sets out to accomplish.
Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.
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