Past Pages for March 23 to 25, 2022

Carson-Tahoe Hospital's first campus in 1955. A fire in 1968 destroyed the building, and the infirmary at Stewart was called into play. Construc tion for this building in 1949 topped out at $80,000.

Carson-Tahoe Hospital's first campus in 1955. A fire in 1968 destroyed the building, and the infirmary at Stewart was called into play. Construc tion for this building in 1949 topped out at $80,000.

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150 Years Ago
Odeon Hall: A sheet and pillow-slip party will be held at the Odeon Hall in Dayton in April. Those who attend are expected to appear in sheet and pillow-slip costume. It being April Fool’s Day, a good number of visitors will attend. A sack race will take place – winner to receive a leather medal.
140 Years Ago
All sorts: Sleepless nights. Shiloh’s Cure is the remedy. For lame back, side or chest use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price: 25 cents. All for sale at Thaxter’s drug store.
130 Years Ago
All sorts: The signal service flags on top of the Capitol building mean local rains, with falling temperature.
110 Years Ago
Carson Brewing Company: The popularity of the home brew is growing and currently filling a lot of outside orders. The bottling works is running full time. Mr. Stein anticipates a very busy season and is keeping a stock on hand to fill any order.
70 Years Ago
Leisure hour, junior group: An informal dinner-dancing party is being planned according to Mrs. Paul Laxalt at Carson Hot Springs. Assisting Mrs. Laxalt are Mesdames Pete Kelly, Jack Blaikie and Carl Shannon.
25 Years Ago
Stamp prices: The cost of a postage stamp will stay right where it is, says postmaster general Marvin Runyon. The postal service last raised stamp prices in 1995 from 29 to 32 cents.

150 Years Ago
Corbett Brothers: A novel idea, “ticket for soup” has been made up by the Corbett Brothers. They board a class of men who are not regular in their meals. The tickets are arranged so that they are good for twenty-one meals. When the numbers are used, a new ticket is procured.
140 Years Ago
A belligerent damsel: Miss Henrietta Schwartz who wanted a clerkship in our legislature has moved to Bodie. She has enlivened Bodie with one of her rows. She swept the snow in front her business place and onto the premises of a Chinese person. He objected and hit Henrietta on the head with a broom, knocking off and damaging her eyeglasses.
130 Years Ago
California tragedies: A man was killed in the Vulcan Iron Works by a falling flask, and a French servant girl was suffocated by gas.
110 Years Ago
Marlette Lake: There will be no shortage of water in Virginia City this season. There are between three or four feet of snow on the ground, frozen and solid. Sutro Tunnel people are making an objection as they claim the hot water will have the effect of overheating the tunnel causing cave-ins and other troubles.
70 Years Ago
Copper: Anaconda Copper Co’s. contractors are getting to work on the new Yerington open pit mine facilities. The site has enough ore to block out for 10 years.
25 Years Ago
Photo caption: Carson Middle School students Fabian Casteianos and Ramon Ruiz face off over a serious game of chess at the school. The boys are part of Carson City’ Outreach project which provides opportunities for local kids.
150 Years Ago
Preaching at Empire: Rev. J.D. Hammond will preach at Empire City. From what we know of the people of that town we advise all to go and hear Mr. Hammond preach: “Remember Lot’s wife.”
140 Years Ago
Barnum coming: The agent for the “World,” Tom Maguire stated that Barnum’s big show is coming west on route to Australia. Barnum will take in all the large towns on the way and Carson may be counted in.
130 Years Ago
All sorts: Mrs. Munckton, formerly of this city, has been committed to the Stockton Insane Asylum.
110 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Carson Opera House, ‘John B. Ratto, Impersonator.’ Under the auspices of Leisure Hour Club, net proceeds to go to school playground fund. Admission: 75 and 25 cents.
70 Years Ago
Egg project: Assignment of collection areas for the annual Easter project was made at the weekly meeting of the 20-30 club at the Kountry Kafe.
25 Years Ago
Photo caption: Puff away… for now. A junior at Carson High School takes a drag on a cigarette during a lunch break. If lawmakers decide teen smoking will be illegal, this may be one of his last legal smokes.
Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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