Storey County mailing corrected sample ballots to voters

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Storey County is sending new sample ballots to all 3,383 registered voters in the county after discovering two races were left out of the original ballot.
The problem was brought to the clerk’s office attention by Assembly District 40 candidate Gary Schmidt who said his race and the race for Senate District 16 weren’t on the sample ballot.
County Clerk Doreanne Nevin said the problem apparently happened because of redistricting that occurs every decade. The new legislative maps drawn this year added Storey County to the boundaries of Assembly District 40 and Senate District 16. Those districts weren’t part of Storey County before redistricting.
Nevin said they are reprinting the sample ballots and mailing the corrected ballots to voters. She said they will get them in the mail as soon as Monday or Tuesday.
She said while the sample ballots were incorrect, the actual, official, mail-in ballots are correct.
Those ballots, she said, will be put in the mail on Monday, May 16.
“We’re making it better,” she said.
Schmidt is running for AD40, attempting to unseat incumbent Republican P.K. O’Neill in the primary.
Republican Don Tatro is the incumbent in Senate 16. He was appointed by the Washoe County commission and Carson City supervisors after Ben Kieckhefer resigned to take a seat on the Nevada Gaming Commission.
Tatro’s most prominent primary opponent is Republican Assemblywoman Lisa Krasner.


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