Carson High girls soccer

CHS girls soccer downs Douglas

Carson High’s Addy Morgan winds up to shoot Tuesday against Douglas High. Morgan tallied a goal and an assist in the Senators’ 4-0 win over the Tigers.

Carson High’s Addy Morgan winds up to shoot Tuesday against Douglas High. Morgan tallied a goal and an assist in the Senators’ 4-0 win over the Tigers.
Photo by Jeff Mulvihill, Jr. | InstaImage.

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 For the first time since 2016, Carson High girls soccer defeated Douglas.
The Senators not only topped the Tigers on Tuesday, but did so in convincing fashion, 4-0.
It was Carson’s game from the jump as Alyssa Tomita was on the receiving end of a pass from sophomore Addy Morgan, filtering through for a breakaway chance on net.
Tomita delivered on the Senators’ first real scoring chance of the game for a 1-0 lead.
Prior to half, Monse Iza doubled Carson’s lead after getting on the end of a deflected shot from Andrea Quintero.
In the 72nd minute, Carson put the game on ice after an Alondra Carillo clearance found a running Tomita, who didn’t hesitate in scoring her second goal.
“Our goalie is amazing,” said Carson senior Gracie Walt. “The amount of anger that got built up from last time … I think that played a huge part in trying to beat them.”
Three minutes later, Morgan struck a perfect shot from the left corner of the 18-yard box that traveled straight into the top right corner of the net, glancing off the post and in.
“Her favorite phrase is ‘top bins,’” Tomita said of Morgan’s goal. “I was like, ‘Addy, top bins!’”
Thursday evening, the Senators fell to Reno (6-2-2), by a final of 4-1.
Carson’s lone tally came on an own goal.
UP NEXT: Carson (7-5-2, 5-4-1 in league) hosts Galena (8-3-3, 5-3-2) today at 12:30 p.m. Douglas (6-5-1, 4-3-1) travels to Spanish Springs (1-8, 1-8) for a 12:30 p.m. kick.


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