Students in Carson High, Carson Middle and Eagle Valley middle schools are encouraged to track the number of pages they read this summer as part of Carson City School District’s Summer Reading Challenge.
Carson High School, Carson Middle School and Eagle Valley Middle School will host a summer reading challenge between June 1 and Aug. 15.
The focus isn't a full-fledged competition between the schools but rather encourages learners to spend some time reading this summer. To participate, students are encouraged to use bookmarks to track how many pages they read and earn one prize drawing entry per 1,000 pages read.
In addition, students will earn entries for reading a book about someone different than them; reading a book recommended by a friend; reading a nonfiction book; reading a book they own but haven't read yet; reading a book in a genre they don't normally read; and participating in the public library's summer reading program.
“Literacy skills are paramount for kids to grow both academically and emotionally and the research has shown us, time and time again, that reading over the summer helps students in the following school year,” said Carson Middle School librarian Mirjam Caster. “This is even more important given the recent research around how school disruptions, caused by the pandemic, have millions of children playing catch-up, and because children’s participation in competing priorities only grows as they age.”
Students are encouraged to check out books from the public library as well as from the online school catalog and SORA. The CMS library is also open from 8 to 11 a.m. June 12 and noon to 3 p.m. Aug. 1. All current CMS students as well as incoming sixth graders are welcome to come check out books for their summer reading.
All reading counts, including audiobooks (students simply record the number of pages per book), graphic novels, manga, comics, etc.
The bookmarks have been handed out to current students and to incoming sixth graders. Summer reading challenge bookmarks will be turned in to the librarians at the start of school in the fall.
There will be rewards for the top readers in each grade level as well as a prize drawing. Prizes include certificates for Defy Trampoline Park, gift cards, free entry to the Carson City pool and much more.
The elementary schools are also encouraging students to read over the summer with a variety of literary activities.