150 Years Ago
Legislature: The University bill was read. It is not to be exclusive in sex or color. It is to be located, not at Carson, but at Elko.
140 Years Ago
In brief: A Washoe City denizen informs the Appeal that the Old Bowers Mansion is haunted. For the past month or two figures have been stalking about the grounds after nightfall.
130 Years Ago
Electricity from wind: In many parts of England for the generation of wind power, the country is well supplied. A small experimental plant has been in operation at a flour mill near London, the windmill supplying sufficient power to run a small dynamo. The current is used to charge a number of incandescent lamps that were lighted nightly.
110 Years Ago
Move the Capitol: Senator Bell of Humboldt County vows to someday come home with the Capitol Building. He is very popular. Babies and streets are being named after him. He states to his constituency that he is going “down to Carson to educate the people a little more” on the question...
70 Years Ago
Atomic Cannon: The world’s first atomic artillery shell will be test fired in Nevada. The shell will be fired by the Army’s 85-ton atomic cannon in connection with atomic tests at the Nevada proving grounds. About 20,000 troops of all the armed services will conduct maneuvers during the tests.
30 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Stanton Homes, the leader in affordable housing, Mountain Park Subdivision, adjacent to the new Mark Twain Elementary School, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, 2 car garage, $89,400. Monthly payment $687.40… Millard Realty and Construction Co…”
150 Years Ago
An insane asylum at Bowers Mansion: A party of senators – Small, Walter, Thompson and Waterman went on a trip to visit the Bowers Mansion on the noon Sunday train from Carson. They went over as a sort of examining committee to see how the mansion would do for an insane asylum. They were elegantly entertained by Mrs. Bowers and returned home delighted with their trip and a turkey dinner.
140 Years Ago
Hank Monk’s brother: H.S. Mason received a letter from Hank Monk’s brother of Park City, making inquiries regarding the deposition of his remains. Monk has a sister in Hartford, and his mother lives in Lawrence County.
130 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Charles H. Kelly, leading grocer, Arlington—Pearl Oil, $1.50 a can; 20 bars soap, 50 cents; finest butter, 50 cents a roll; our tasty ham, 18 cents a pound; our tasty bacon, 18 cents a pound.; Eagle Fresh Oysters 65 cents a can. Cash!”
110 Years Ago
Ladies Aid Society: The Ladies Aid Society of the M.E. Church will be glad to receive orders for plain sewing such as aprons, children’s plain garments, comforters, etc. Telephone orders to the President, Mrs. N. Wylie.
70 Years Ago
Photo caption: Sons of the Pioneers, noted entertainment group will donate an act to the Red Cross show in the Carson Civic Auditorium. A full afternoon of entertainment is promised by Joe Hicks, chairman of the Red Cross… Admission is free, but an offering will be taken to get a start on the $2,500 local quota.
30 Years Ago
Photo caption – First lady reads: Nevada’s first lady, Sandy Miller, kicks off reading week by reading a story to first, second, and third graders from Bordewich and Bray elementary schools. The week will include intensive reading periods in Carson City schools and a “Turn the TV off” night on Thursday.
150 Years Ago
Warren Fire Engine Company: An elegant hose carriage made with the latest improvements and magnificently finished has been received and is magnificently finished. The wheels are five feet eight inches high, and it runs with a touch. The hubs of the wheel are plated platinum. The brace of the lamps of the carriage are an exquisite make of different colored glass ornamented with floral engravings—the handsomest carriage on the coast.
140 Years Ago
In brief: Hall & Meder will have a new violinist at their next Saturday night dance.
The little daughter of George W. Hawkins, night watchman at the Mint, is dangerously ill with membranous croup and is not expected to survive.
130 Years Ago
St. Patrick’s Ball: Jim Wiggin’s, the great leader of the German in Empire, and boss all round amusement artist of that town will give a St. Patrick’s Day Domino party on the 17th. He has made preparations for the free transportation of guests, and a big feed will be on tap at Mrs. Kohle’s. Tickets are $1.
110 Years Ago
Classified ads: For sale – House, barn, yards, price $1,000; also, furniture and piano, cord wood and timberland. Inquire of G.W. Thiele, 709 E. Telegraph St.
70 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Carson Theater – Saturday, ‘Cripple Creek’ in Technicolor with George Montgomery and Karin Booth, cartoon, and two-reel special. Sunday, ‘Plymouth Adventure,’ the dangers and drama that swept across the deck of a ship of Destiny with Spencer Tracey, Gene Tierney and Van Johnson in Technicolor, Pete Smith – News.
30 Years Ago
Waco compound: In the third day of a bloody siege that resulted in six deaths agents of the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms erupted in gun battles that killed four agents, two cult followers and the two-year old daughter of David Koresh.
Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.
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