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You are hereby notified that the Carson City Planning Commission will conduct public hearings on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, regarding the items noted below. The meeting will commence at 5:00 PM. The meeting will be held in the Carson City Community Center, Robert “Bob” Crowell Board Room, 851 East William Street, Carson City, Nevada

LU-2023-0355 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request from Carson City (“Applicant”) for a special use permit (“SUP”) to allow for site improvements associated with the Quill Water Treatment Plant rehabilitation project on property zoned Public Community (“PC”) located at 2944 Kings Canyon Road, Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (“APNs”) 007-061-82 & 007-131-17. (Heather Manzo

Staff Summary: The Applicant is proposing an expansion to the water treatment facility to include a ±3,200 square foot building expansion, additional drying ponds, an equalization tank pad and associated infrastructure on a site totaling ±414.45 acres in size. Development within the PC zoning district requires an SUP. The Planning Commission is authorized to approve the SUP. 

LU-2023-0356 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request from Ben Farahi (“Applicant”) for a special use permit (“SUP”) to allow for the permanent on-site placement of a metal storage container on property zoned General Commercial (“GC”) located at 1600 Airport Road, Assessor’s Parcel Number (“APN”) 008-312-21. 

(Heather Manzo

Staff Summary: The Applicant is proposing permanent placement of one metal storage container on an established multifamily residential site. The request is subject to the approval of an SUP. The Planning Commission is authorized to approve the SUP. 

LU-2023-0354 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request from Lamar Advertising Company (“Applicant”) for a special use permit (“SUP”) to retain an existing billboard on property zoned General Commercial (“GC”) located at 4440 Hwy 50 East, Assessor’s Parcel Number (“APN”) 008-281-11. (Heather Ferris,

Staff Summary: The Applicant is requesting to retain the existing billboard in its present location. No changes are proposed for the billboard. Per condition of approval #4 for LU-2022-0445 approved in 2022, the SUP expires on October 31, 2023, unless a new SUP to continue the use is acquired by that date. The Planning Commission is authorized to approve an SUP. 

MPA-2023-0363 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request from Carson City (“Applicant”) for the adoption of a resolution approving a Master Plan amendment and recommending to the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) amendment of the Master Plan to eliminate the Brown Street Specific Plan Area encompassing the 14+/- acre area generally located on Brown Street and North Edmonds Drive between Gordon Street and Reeves Street, Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (“APNs”) 008-303-29; 008-303-10; 008-303-30; 008-303-31; 008-303-42 (portion of); 008-303-07; 008-307-17; 008-307-11; 008-307-05; 008-307- 06; 008-307-07; 008-306-09; 008-306-11; 008-306-15; 008-306-16; 008- 306-07; 008-306-08; 008-306-05; 008-306-06; and 008-308-01. (Heather Ferris,

Staff Summary: Through the annual review of the Master Plan, the Board and staff have identified the Brown Street Specific Plan Area as appropriate for consideration of modifications or elimination. The Planning Commission adopts a resolution and makes a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors regarding a Master Plan amendment. 

ZA-2023-0364 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation from the Planning Commission to the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) concerning (1) establishing an ordinance for tiny houses under Nevada Revised Statutes (“NRS”) 278.253 and (2) a proposed ordinance amending various provisions of the Carson City Municipal Code (“CCMC”) to allow for tiny house parks. (Heather Ferris,

Staff Summary: NRS 278.253 requires Carson City to adopt an ordinance allowing for tiny houses in either (1) at least one zoning district as an accessory dwelling unit; (2) at least one zoning district as a single-family residential unit; or (3) at least one zoning district in a tiny house park. The proposed ordinance amends various provisions of the CCMC to allow for tiny houses in a tiny house park. 

LU-2023-0379 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request from Tom Metcalf (“Applicant”) to modify an approved Special Use Permit (“SUP”) (LU-2022-0397) to allow for the construction of an accessory structure with a cumulative square footage totaling 5.44 percent of the parcel size on a property zoned Single Family Residential – 1 Acre-Planned Unit Development (“SF1A-P”) located at 2659 Skyview Court, Assessor’s Parcel Number (“APN”) 007-671-09. (Lena Reseck,

Staff Summary: The Applicant is proposing construction of a 1,584 square foot accessory structure (guest house, attached covered patio, and attached garage). A guest house and garage are permitted accessory uses in the SF1A-P use district; however, Carson City Municipal Code (“CCMC”) 18.05.055(8) requires approval of an SUP if the accessory structure exceeds five percent of the parcel size on parcels twenty-one thousand square feet or larger. When the original SUP was submitted, this code requirement was inadvertently not reviewed for compliance. 

Pub Date: October 14, 2023 

Ad # 37733


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