Past Pages for May 25 to 28, 2024

Daun Bohall Collection/Nevada State Museum

Daun Bohall Collection/Nevada State Museum

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150 Years Ago

Newlyweds: General Marlette and his beautiful bride arrived at the Ormsby House. Our lady friends will remember that “these twain” were married in Washington. We are very sure that Mr. and Mrs. Marlette will be received here by his many friends.

140 Years Ago

Spiritualism continued: Next appeared Miss Esther Hazard. She was very strong, and came out into the room, walked about, spoke to and touched us then stood in a chair. When she came out she wore a dark skirt, apparently of silk. On sitting down the dark skirt had disappeared, and in its place was one of white. ”

130 Years Ago

All sorts: Frank Steinmetz’s soda fountain is ready to be tapped by the public.

If you ride a wheel, why not ride the best. “Victors” bicycle. Ed Walsh, agent.

120 Years Ago

Queen contest: The vote for Carnival queen stood as follows at the close of the count yesterday. Miss Ida Brougher, 280; Miss Jessie Schultz, 232; Miss Effie Latta, 225; Miss Reubellte Martin, 100; Miss Kate Vogt, 75.

70 Years Ago

Actors die (London): “The Lovers,” a new play, was cancelled by the deaths of two cast members. A cat ate two mice who were actors and were to have appeared in one of the scenes.


150 Years Ago

Ormsby House: The hot-stove at the Ormsby House was monopolized by many people, and they attempted to trifle with our reportorial feelings by concocting a story that the ice cream man had frozen to death – the real fact was that he was just a little frost bitten.

140 Years Ago

Memorial Services for Decoration Day: On Sunday morning, in accordance with a general order from the Pacific Coast headquarters, the Custer Post attended St. Peters Episcopal Church. The National emblems were draped and hung in the chancel, the altar and lectern were decorated with beautiful crosses and wildflowers that had been gathered by the children of the Orphans’ Home.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: The young lady who impersonates ‘Luna, the living statue’ at the Fair is Miss Rose DeAhna who used to live in Carson. Parties who have seen her pronounce her very beautiful.

120 Years Ago

Marooned: A white man named Gilbert and two Indians were marooned on an island in the Truckee River. They were searching for the late F. W. Tinsman when their craft wrecked, throwing the occupants into the river. The current carried them onto the island, where they remained until rescued by ropes thrown to them. (Journal)

70 Years Ago

Old Corner, Election results: Complete last-minute Election returns will be available by direct wire at the Old Corner. The Nevada Appeal and United Press will bring statewide and local election results throughout the evening until the tallying is completed.


150 Years Ago

 The Magnolia Saloon reaches completion: The cheerful night lamps of that popular resort have been withheld from the belated citizens, and wayfarers will soon be over and put to them to use. They are expensive and give the room a larger look. Mark Gaige and Charley May will increase their ever generous hospitality when the newly-repaired saloon is thrown open to the bibulous public.

140 Years Ago

 The “Tod Goodwin:” An Appeal representative visited Glenbrook and went around the Lake to see the new steamer. It is the finest passenger boat ever put on the Lake and is a credit to the builders. The Tod Goodwin is in compliance with every stipulation of the old law and now has been fitted with larger life preservers, davits for life boats, and some alterations made to ensure greater security for the boilers. It now has a first-class certificate.

 It is built of wood with an iron frame, 100 feet long with a breadth of beam of 13 feet.


150 Years Ago

 Captain Porter’s place (Adele’s): A dwelling is being built by Captain Porter of the V. & T. workshops. Fronts on North Carson street. Of moderate size, but will be a handsome house. Has a French or Mansard roof – the first of the kind in Carson. Will be a decided ornament to the north end. Should like to see more of the same kind going up.

140 Years Ago

Mrs. Bowers: The Washoe Seeress is at the Arlington House. During her stay she made a very favorable impression and made the money which she so badly needed. It appears that some ladies went to see her simply as an amusement, but learned that Mrs. Bowers knew some very astonishing things. They urged their friends to go and call on Mrs. Bowers and soon it became very fashionable. She has been overrun with visitors. Many have sought her council, and she tells the most extraordinary things of her powers.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: The Curry’s (volunteer fire fighters) have fixed up their tub and now the old squirter throws a stream like a hydraulic blunderbuss.

120 Years Ago

Lodge night, Floto Shows: At each performance new candidates are initiated into the many mysteries of the secret order composed of the animal actors, who take part in the many difficult acts presented at each performance.

Can you imagine anything funnier or more ludicrous than a herd of elephants, ranging in size from the gigantic mama, sixteen feet in height to the little baby, scarcely three feet in height, all mixed up together.

70 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Sky-Vue Drive-In Theater. Mightiest Of All Western Adventures with Ray Milland, Dorothy Lamar, Michael Carey in ‘Copper Canyon,’ and ‘Atomic City’ with Gene Barry and Lois Clark.”

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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