Letter: Community garden benefits

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A vegetable, fruit, or flower garden can tap into people's interest and create a sense of wonder when folks see the food or blossoms coming into fruition.

It is a remarkable process to see day by day a cantaloupe developing or an acorn squash forming. Many are mesmerized watching the bees pollinate the various plants.

Gardening relieves stress and helps many reorganize their thoughts in a positive way. A garden blesses a community with harmony, along with food.

The open land helps replenish the underground aquifers while the greenery cools urban neighborhoods unlike asphalt and cement parking lots and buildings, which heat up city temperatures.

We need more community gardens here in Carson City, especially near affordable housing establishments and perhaps near state offices, since we are a capital city.

The gardens assist residents in getting to know one another and in teamwork. Maintenance of the gardens involve many volunteers who work together toward the benefit of the community. Gardening is calming, bringing a feeling of peace to all who contribute, enjoy and appreciate it.

Ann Burke 

Carson City


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