Rolling '"A" Ranch

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DAYTON - Plans for future residential development of the Rolling "A" Ranch are back on the drawing board.

Rolling "A" legal council Jim Cavilia has asked the Lyon County Commissioners to deny a special-use permit and grant a continuance for the tentative subdivision planning map.

Cavilia said ranch owners plan to return with a redesigned tentative map for only the northwest portion of the property. It will conform to the existing half acre (12,000-square-foot) zoning, creating between 150-200 lots.

Explaining the owner's reasons behind the withdrawal, Cavilia said, "It boiled down to numbers. The price was becoming too high and we were concerned the project wouldn't make it if the many demands had to be met. And the owner didn't want to force it down the community's throat if they didn't want it."

About 5,200 acres of the 6,300-acre former cattle ranch are under consideration by the Bureau of Land Management for acquisition, which is subject to a public facilities agreement entered into with the county. The remaining 900 acres has been set aside for residential development.

Approval of the special-use permit would have allowed higher density zoning on about 440 acres in return for the ranch owner dedicating the remaining 460 acres as a greenbelt along the Carson River. Ranging in size from 8,000 square feet to one acre, 750 lots are proposed.

By withdrawing the special-use permit request and proceeding with the current zoning, dedication of open space is not required and, according to Cavilia, the owner is reconsidering the development value of this portion of the property.

Residents have expressed concern with the smaller lot sizes and increased traffic along Highway 50 and adjacent smaller roads. Questions as to future responsibility for maintenance of the green belt were also raised. A petition containing more than 50 signatures has been turned over to county officials.

The county planning commission previously recommended denial, agreeing the current zoning is more appropriate.

The recently signed agreement between the county, Rolling "A" Ranch and Stanton Park Development determining responsibilities in the building of a regional wastewater treatment facility on Rolling "A" property also played a part in the decision to move forward with a proposal conforming to current zoning.

"There is a concern with timing. We have committed to build the sewer transmission line across our property within a certain timeline," Cavilia said. "We have to move on this and justify our costs."

New maps will be required as other portions of the 900 acres are developed.


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