Shop hopes to fill Carson computer needs

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The owner of Runtime Computers hopes Carson area residents won't have to run to Reno to fill their computing needs.

In fact, Jody Wilkes considers his products, experience and prices a good enough reason for Reno residents to make the drive south.

"We're trying our best to keep prices as low as possible," Wilkes said.

Open just a few weeks, they're getting more in all the time. But if they don't have something a customer needs or wants in stock, most orders can arrive in two days.

Products on the shelves include Intel and AMD boards, video cards, sound cards, burners and more.

"All good products," he said. "Everything we carry is name brand, top of the line products."

When everything is in stock, Wilkes can put a custom computer together in 24-hours. And custom-designed computer systems have the distinct advantage of being easily updated.

"When you buy something from Costco or Gateway, everything is integrated on board. It's not exchangeable. (As computers become outdated) they make money selling complete systems over and over again.

"Here you can come in a buy a faster card and go right out and install it and your computer works."

Wilkes is also able to repair computers and he specializes in data recovery. He's been assembling and repairing computers for five years in Nevada with several more years before that in Portland.

Wilkes keeps up on the latest thing in computers, be it faster chips or bells and whistles -- or rather lights and windows.

One of the latest styles in computing is opening up a window in the side of the computer and installing neon lights and liquid cooling systems. The cooling method is a functional advance. The neon is just for fun.

Fun or practical, Runtime Computers is out to keep costs low. And that includes keeping overhead down by locating out of the way.

Runtime Computers is located at 1601 Fairview Drive, Unit 5, just east of the corner of Saliman Drive. Call 775-884-3433.


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